UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI World Class University Committed to Scholarly Excellence Prof. Peter M.F. Mbithi, EBS Vice Chancellor
UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI FACTS No. 1 in East and Central Africa No. 7 in Africa and 855 in the world Over 80,000 students 154 Full & 253 Associate Professors KES 4 Billion Annual Research Kitty 1350 international linkages 174,000 alumni /graduates 2,052 Strong Academic Staff 5,525 Administrative & Technical Staff 584 Programmes
Our Vision is to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence. Our Mission is to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge. i University of Nairobi
The purpose of this Vice- Chancellor’s Breakfast Meeting with UoN Eminent Persons is to share my transformative agenda for the University Seven (7) agenda points i Vice-Chancellor’s Agenda
World Class World Class University Image and Image and Competitiveness Graduate Skills Graduate Skills Enhancement Learning and Learning and social facilities social facilities Infrastructure Development Fundraising and Fundraising and Resource Mobilization Mobilization Research and Research and Innovation
World Class Students World Class Faculty & Staff World Class Facilities World Class University
Graduate Skills Enhancement Skills Enhancement Programs To enhance transfer of knowledge to students Partnership with organizations for internship and WSP Adopt a student through scholarships Partnership through academic programs Corporate managers serving in colleges academic boards
Areas of Interest Implement all round student mentorship by faculty and industry partners Extra-curricular activities and social life Refurbishing existing students hostels and construct new ones for 10,000 students Upscale of ICT Integration in teaching and Learning In build experiential learning in the programs To build more lecture rooms Sustain faculty training Learning and Social Facilities
Fundraising, Resources Mobilization & Sustainability Access to research funds Public-private-partnerships Access to Business Opportunities University of Nairobi Foundation Fundraising Endowment Fund Scholarship Fund
Infrastructure Development These includes: University Towers Completion Refurbishing Existing Hostels Constructs news hostel to accommodate 5000 students through public-private partnership Constructions of School of Law Towers at Parklands Construction of Computing Centre of Excellence and incubation building Teaching and Referral hospital construction UON to invite public private partnership to improve infrastructure. University Alumni Centre
New Sources of Funds Government Grants Public-private-partnerships Corporation & Foundations Donors/ Embassies Income from Endowments Income from hostels and real estates Income from contract research Faculty and Staff UON Alumni Friends and Diasporas
Research and Innovation
To enhance the quantity, quality and relevance of research through: Exponential growth in research fund from Kshs 4B to 10 B Enhancing the capacity of researchers Improve the management of research funds Enhance dissemination of research outputs to the society Incubate research efforts Commercialize research outputs (intellectual property)
“For this University to continue producing quality products, we must compete with the very best in the world” “My vision thus is to ensure that we become top ranked, sustainable, world class institution with enduring and valuable scholarly excellence” i conclusion
Thank you