FIRE PROCEDURE The fire alarm is a claxon sound Leave the building quietly by the nearest exit Do not use the central staircase Stand on the concourse at the front of the building or the car park at the back
ROAD SAFETY Leek Road, Station Road & Glebe Street are all very busy roads Only cross when it’s safe, using the pedestrian crossings on Leek Road
PARKING & DROPPING OFF There’s no student parking at the college If you have a lift to college, please ask to be dropped off in a safe location – the best place is the Fenton Manor car park
SMOKING We’re a no smoking college
Attendance You must attend all lessons, tutorials & support sessions Most lessons will be for whole mornings or afternoons When you don’t have a lesson you should only be in college if you want to work in one of the LRCs
SAFETY AROUND COLLEGE Please be especially careful on the walkways on first and second floor – any inappropriate behaviour which could lead to an accident will lead to exclusion from college This includes dropping anything onto floors below
SAFETY AROUND COLLEGE Be aware of glass doors & screens – they all have markers on to avoid accidents but look where you’re going! Do not run around the college Keep to the left on the stairs
Always wear your ID card when you’re in college – you’ll be challenged by staff if you don’t!
TOILETS Please be aware that these are partially open and some have windows onto the road – so check your clothing before you leave the cubicle!
LIFTS The lifts are for use by members of the college with a disability or those carrying equipment or resources For the rest of us it’s healthier to climb the stairs!