U.S. Government/U.S. History Coach Carrejo Conference Period – 7 th period – 1:55-2:45 – – School Contact #’s – Field House (832) – School # (832)
U.S. Government/U.S. History Tutorials will be offered in the mornings throughout the school year. In between football and baseball seasons afternoon tutorials may be scheduled by appointment. Tutorial Times – Monday – none – Tuesday – 7:40 – 8:10 – Wednesday – 7:40 – 8:10 – Thursday – 7:40-8:10 – Friday – none
U.S. Government/U.S. History Course Information – The course website provides materials such as the syllabus, calendar, assignments, notes, reviews, and can be accessed through the Terry HS website. – The course calendar will show dates for all of the following: Holidays Progress Reports End of Grading Period Material to be covered by day Tests Projects
U.S. Government/U.S. History Grading Policy – Your 6-week grade will consist of at least 3 major grades and at least 6 daily grades. – Major grades will consist of tests, projects, and other long-term assignments. – Daily grades will consist of quizzes, class participation, and other brief assignments.
U.S. Government/U.S. History Grading Policy, cont. – Make-up Work Students with excused absences will be given one school day for each excused day to turn in make-up work. Tests will be made up on the first day that a student returns to class. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain missed assignments, not the teacher. Late daily work will be accepted with 25 points taken off for the first day, and another 25 points for anytime after that. Late major grades will have 25 points taken off for the first day and another 25 points for the second day.
U.S. Government/U.S. History Grading Policy, cont. – Retesting For U.S. Government/U.S. History students, test corrections will be the retest option. Students are eligible for test corrections if they score a 75 or below on a test. Test corrections can only be completed during tutorial hours. Test corrections will be worth half credit for each question up to a 75, and all missed questions must be corrected to receive any credit.
U.S. Government/U.S. History Grading Policy, cont. – Extra credit opportunities will be available during the semester. – The available options can be reviewed on the Extra Credit document on the website. – Please notice that there are limitations on the number of times an extra credit opportunity may be used during the semester.
U.S. Government/U.S. History School Procedures/Rules – 10 minute rule During the first and last 10 minutes of class students may not be in the hallways. Do not ask to go anywhere during this period without a 5 minute pass issued by the office. – Cell phones Cell phones can be used in the hallway between classes. Cell phones can be used in the classroom for academic purposes with teacher approval.
U.S. Government/U.S. History Class Rules/Procedures – Warm-ups/Agenda Will be located on the board on the opposite wall of the door. Read the objectives and agenda everyday! – Books/Supplies A class set is available. You do not need to bring your book to class. If a book comes off the shelf it needs to be put back at the end of the class. Pencils, markers, scissors, hole puncher, stapler, tape, etc., are available. If you use it, return it to the proper place. My personal books are on the shelves, if you choose to look at one you may do so. Make sure it is returned to the shelf!
U.S. Government/U.S. History Class Rules/Procedures, cont. – Food/Drink A water bottle will be allowed in class. Any other vessel or beverage is NOT allowed. – Class Dismissal As stated earlier, all class supplies must be returned to the proper location before anyone leaves the classroom. All trash will be picked up off the floor before anyone leaves the classroom. This includes little pieces of paper that miraculously fall off of ripped out spiral pages. We do not line up at the door. If we finish class a little early, remain seated until the bell rings.
U.S. Government/U.S. Government We can have a good time in this class, but that is predicated on 3 expectations: 1. Get to class on time and get started on your warm- up. 2. When we are working stay focused and complete the task at hand. 3. Be a pleasant person and I will be a pleasant person. Follow these rules and we will not just have a good time but you will be successful in the course.