I Don’t Believe in Evolution I know creation’s true I believe that God above created me and you arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution So, praise His name for what He's made Give credit where it's due I don't believe in evolution I know creation’s true arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution I didn't crawl out of a pond Or swing down from a tree Adam is my ancestor and not a chimpanzee
I Don’t Believe in Evolution God created everything In six days He was through So the “Big Bang” theory is just a dud And the million years are too
I Don’t Believe in Evolution I know creation’s true I believe that God above created me and you arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution So, praise His name for what He's made Give credit where it's due I don't believe in evolution I know creation’s true arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution Some folks are all excited about A rock they think's from Mars They think that rock is telling us There's life among the stars arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution They listen deep in outer space For a single “yoo-hoo” But Jesus Christ is the only Rock That I'm going to listen too arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution I know creation’s true I believe that God above created me and you arms
I Don’t Believe in Evolution So, praise His name for what He's made Give credit where it's due I don't believe in evolution I know creation’s true arms