Study Of Law LaTeviah Ruff Ms. Jones October 8,2013 English IV- 6B
L AWYER I would like to pursue my dreams of becoming an lawyer because this is the occupation I feel best fit my characteristics and my personality.
L AWYER J OB D ESCRIPTION There are many types of lawyers: Family, Life Insurance, Criminal, Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Corporate, Personal Injury and many more. I would like to be a Criminal Lawyer, criminal lawyers are needed for the defense of an individual accused of crime such as murder, robbery, etc. There are lawyers within each branch of government ( federal, state, and local).
L AWYER J OB D ESCRIPTION (C ONT ’ D ) Are the backbone of society, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Lawyers are presumed to face lower life expectancies Few people know that some famous entertainers held law degrees
L AWYER I NTERESTS, S KILLS & H IGH S CHOOL Activities and electives that can help shape your law career are the following: Debate team Law Studies Civics Philosophy Skills needed for this career field include: Ability to use- Good debating skills logical thinking skills Inductive and deductive reasoning Interpret and analyze information Speech skills
L AWYER I NTERESTS, S KILLS & H IGH S CHOOL (C ONT ’ D ) To obtain focus in this field you must have an interest in subjects such as : U.S. History Civics Law Studies Public Speaking Presentations
L AWYER R OUTE : D EGREE ( S ) Y EARS OF STUDY REQUIRED There are multiple steps to becoming a lawyer: 1.) Must receive Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice (Undergraduate) 2.) Then you must attend law school for 4 more additional years to get an law degree 3.) After schooling is completed you must pass the BAR exam to practice law ( Many have complications at this step and don’t receive a license to practice law)
L AWYER T OP S TATE AND N ATIONAL C OLLEGES / E NTRANCE R EQUIREMENTS Top Law School in Louisiana Tulane University ( New Orleans, La) – 1 st Louisiana State University- 2 nd Loyola University- 3 rd Top Law Schools in the Nations Yale University Harvard University Stanford University Yale UniversityHarvard University
L AWYER T OP S TATE AND N ATIONAL C OLLEGES / E NTRANCE R EQUIREMENTS (C ONT ’ D ) For Top state and National University you need at least 3.0 core GPA from Core courses Minimum ACT score of at least a 23 –state 25-national LSU tuition- $17,474 (full time resident) Yale tuition- $52,525 ( full time resident)
L AWYER I NCOME P OTENTIAL Lawyers employmet rate are approximately 581,920 Lawyers make approximately $62.93 (hourly) Lawyers make approximately $130,880 (annually) Lawyers median hourly wages are approximately $54. 58
W ORKS C ITED P AGE Compare Louisiana Law Schools." Top Law Schools in Louisiana. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct "Top Law Schools." US News & World Report. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct "Law School Requirements." Law School. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Oct. 2013