Special Consideration- Faculty of Arts
Special Consideration during semester ■ Extensions of up to two days: contact your unit coordinator ■ Extensions of more than two days: you must apply for Special Consideration ■ Special Consideration is granted for extenuating circumstances, including: –Illness –Ongoing disability/mental health issues (You are also eligible to register with Disability Services)- This also applies to carers of somebody with a disability –Hardship/trauma, including relationship breakdown –Death/bereavement –Representing Monash University at a sporting/academic event ■ The application must include supporting documentation to show why you require additional time to complete an assessment ■ If you have any questions regarding Special Consideration applications: –Send an enquiry through ask.monash –Visit Arts Student Services (second floor of the Menzies Building) –Go to PLEASE NOTE: Late assessments incur a 5% penalty per calendar day overdue, and will not be accepted if it submitted over 10 calendar days late
Special Consideration for examinations/tests ■ If you are unable to complete a final examination/test due to exceptional circumstances, you may be eligible to apply for a deferred examination/rescheduling of a test ■ Applications must include supporting documentation ■ Special Consideration is granted for extenuating circumstances, including: –Illness –Ongoing disability/mental health issues (You are also eligible to register with Disability Services)- This also applies to carers of somebody with a disability –Relationship breakdown –Death/bereavement –Representing Monash University at a sporting/academic event ■ Travelling overseas is not an acceptable reason for being granted Special Consideration ■ If you receive a deferred examination, please note that the deferred examination period is approximately 2 months after the original examination period PLEASE NOTE: You cannot apply for Special Consideration if you have sat the entire examination/test
How to apply There are three ways of submitting a Special Consideration application: 1) Bringing the Special Consideration application & supporting documentation to Arts Student Services, level 2, 20 Chancellors Walk (Menzies Building); 2) Submitting the application and supporting documentation through ask.monash; Or; 3) Going to and attaching the application and supporting documentationhttp:// Special consideration application form: All Special Consideration applications must be submitted no later than two University working-days after the due date for the assessment item/test/examination