1 st EGEE Conference – April UK and Ireland Partner Dave Kant Deputy ROC Manager
1 st EGEE Conference – April Overview of UK + Ireland We are a ROC + CIC
1 st EGEE Conference – April Who is Involved Grid Infrastructures GRIDPP serves Particle Physics Community in UK NGS is the National e-Science Core Grid Program Grid-Ireland Mission Statement UK/I Strong commitment to deploy a common middleware throughout the infrastructure Certificate Authorities Established UK – eScience CA established by the Grid Support Centre based at RAL Ireland - established by the Computer Architecture Group based at TCD
1 st EGEE Conference – April UK Particle Physics Sites Involves 18 Universities ScotGrid Edinburgh Glasgow Dublin NorthGrid Daresbury Lancaster Liverpool Manchester Sheffield SouthGrid Bristol Birmingham Cambridge Oxford RAL-PPD London Brunel IC RHUL UCL QMUL Virtual Organisations ATLAS ALICE CMS LHCb CDF D0 BaBar UKQCD GridPP Distributed Grouping into 4 Virtual Tier-2 Centres
1 st EGEE Conference – April GridPP ProtoType Tier1/a Computing Centre Provides Large Scale Computing Facilities for UK PP 700 Intel CPU (450Mhz – 2.6GHz) 80TB Disk 200TB Tape (Capacity up to 1PB) 2.5Gbps Connection to UK academic Netowork SuperJANET4 Strong program for substantial increase in resources over next 3 years CPU, TB Disk (April 2004)
1 st EGEE Conference – April National Grid Service Building a Service Grid from resources at national eScience centres Belfast, Cambridge, Cardiff, CLRC, London Esc, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oxford, Southampton, Manchester Pilot Scheme involves 4 centres Manchester, Oxford, RAL, White Rose Deployment Challenge Heterogeneous computing grid SUN SGI Origin, Wildfire, E6800, AP3000 CRAY T3E, Alpha Clusters, IBM SP Linux Beowulf Clusters NGS will support a wider community of users NON-Particle Physics Applications
1 st EGEE Conference – April GRID - IRELAND Team of IT Specialists to manage grid services (Brian Coghlan) Principle Sites University College Dublin (UCD) Trinity College Dublin (TCD) Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) University College Cork (UCC) National University Ireland, Galway (NUIG) Queens University, Belfast (QUB) Virtual Organisations CosmoGrid WebCom-G MarineGrid GenCon
1 st EGEE Conference – April Bringing Resources into EGEE Experience & Expertise EDG (UK PP) and EDG/CrossGrid (Grid-Ireland) Support Troubleshooting provided through tb-support mailing list GridPP WebPage Regular Phone meetings Timescales Most GridPP sites to deploy LCG2 middleware over the next 3 months. RAL, Imperial College, Cambridge already present
1 st EGEE Conference – April What Services We Will Provide Prototype Grid Operations Centre Monitor sites – provide regular reporting Status: April pm
1 st EGEE Conference – April People Recruitment program underway ~ 25 FTE Operations Manager, GOC, GSC, M/W specialists already in place.