The quality of a registrants record keeping is a reflection of the standard of their professional practice. Good record keeping is a mark of a skilled and safe practitioner, while careless or incomplete record keeping often highlights wider problems with that individual's practice.’ (NMC 2007) NMC Fitness to Practice Hearings Failure to Maintain Adequate records 06/07: 7.48% 07/08: 10.37% 08/09: 8.53% 09/10: 9.57% 10/11: 4% (10/11 No. 6 frequently occurring)
Incomplete records through poorly documented: Admission / discharge arrangements Risk assessments Essential monitoring reports Engagement with family members Engagement with other professionals Themes Arising from Northern Ireland Public Inquiries
Recommendations: 3 –Trust Board must review governance arrangements and satisfy itself that it is meeting in full its responsibilities for patient safety, quality of care and record-keeping. Public Inquiry into the outbreak of Clostridium Difficile in Northern Trust Hospitals. (2011).
January 2009 Purpose Meeting Literature Review: Factors Influencing Quality of Registrant Record Keeping The Value and Purpose of Record Keeping Audit Information Recorded Competence to Record Professional Supervision Patient Awareness/ Inclusion Issues Related to Time
….to develop tools for registered nurses that will facilitate improvement in record keeping.
Piloting the Practice Improvement Programme Choice of Wards 5 Medical wards Improvement Achieved Learning and Development Team development Leadership development Networking Shared vision Championing good practice Proactive in changing practice Learning and development in practice
Percentage Increase June 2009 – April 2010 % Increase Admission & Risk Assessment11.4 Admission & Risk Assessment (N/A)25.2 Care Planning42.4 Care Planning (N/A)37.4 Discharge Planning32.9 Mandatory Requirements41.2 Health Care Support Worker, Student and Error Entries50 Ave. Total % Inc34.4
Baseline measurement and continuous audit Implement learning and development activities or development of practice activity Improvement Cycle (Adapted from Deming, 2000) Re-audit Compare analysis Sustaining improvement
Four Sections:
Each Section has a Corresponding Section of:
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Aim: To implement an agreed Regional HSC Nursing Document, and improvement methodologies, tools and resources developed during the RRKI to facilitate improvement in the standard of nurse record keeping in Northern Ireland and to promote a culture which supports person- centred record keeping practices.
Chair: Alan Corry-Finn, WHSCT Project Lead NIPEC: Angela Drury Steering Group members: Royal College of Nursing Royal College of Midwives Queens University Belfast Clinical Education Centre WHSCT, SEHSCT, NHSCT, BHSCT, SHSCT DHSSPS 2 Executive Directors of Nursing
Two strands: Facilitated within HSC Trusts ( 5 Secondment Band 7 Professional Officers – one in each Trust) Strand 1: Piloting a new document and development of standards for nursing and midwifery record keeping practice Strand 2: Implementing the Record Care tools and resources
Evaluative methods being used throughout the project Final report Intended outcome = improved record keeping practice evidenced through audit scores
Paula Boyle SHSCT Jane Patterson SEHSCT Sandra Hogg WHSCT Siobhan Shannon NHSCT Sonya McVeigh BHSCT Angela Drury NIPEC (Lead Officer)
Progress so Far Trusts have implemented the new document Workshop undertaken in November to evaluate and refine document Stream lining of risk assessment tools Standards production and consultation Practice Improvement Programme being implemented Monthly audit cycles recording significant improvement Future continuation proposal under discussion Contact with RCN
Progress so Far Contact with Nursing banks and Agencies Contact with Universities and representatives for pre-registration nursing programmes.
So What? – Implications for Agency Staff Raise awareness – feedback from HSC Trusts Standards document Potential for future work with agency staff in this area of practice Access to tools and resources via website