What next for Student Switch Off? Dr Neil Jennings
Overview Recent developments New for 2015/16 and in the pipeline Your ideas
Recent developments Climate change quiz – embedded on Facebook in 2012/13, increase from 14,000 to 25,000 entrants Ben & Jerry’s ice cream giveaways o For climate change quizzes and end of year events o Saved Unis over £5,000 Student Switch Off Ambassador loyalty card – 1,000 each year, 22 completed seven tasks this year
Recent developments Expansion of SSO to 4 EU countries (Cyprus, Greece, Lithuania and Sweden) Aspiration to spread to more countries Partnered EU Unis with 7 UK Unis to share experiences across borders
New – Love Food Hate Waste Partnership with Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) Encouraging students to reduce food wastage by improving their meal planning, use of leftovers and storage/freezing Incorporation of messaging from LFHW into our Facebook posts – twice weekly Help students to save money on their food expenditure, Unis to save money on landfill and both to reduce carbon emissions No additional cost to Unis
Partnership with Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) Also free 3-hour cascade training for students at Universities in Birmingham, Leeds, Newcastle, Nottingham, Sheffield, Greater Manchester, Merseyside, Belfast, Glasgow and Cardiff Until end of March 2016 then hopefully 10 more cities New – Love Food Hate Waste
SSO+ Aim: to provide an intense burst of awareness raising activities for SSO o For Universities with Residential Assistants (RAs)/Mentors who can be asked to promote SSO o 2 weeks of awareness raising activities run by RAs with support from your NUS Project Officer o Suggestion that this takes place in Nov or Feb o Piloted in Bristol this year, significant increases in energy-saving
SSO+ Week #1 o Pledge card events o Launch of climate change quiz o Environmental film screening Week #2 o Photo competition o Energy-saving obstacle course
SSO+ Bristol example Different engagement approaches in different halls over 2 weeks. Data compared to usage before the fortnight Colston St: intense awareness raising activities Badock 2 & 3: door-knocking University: social media Badock 4 & 5 and Durdham: controls
SSO+ Bristol example
Energy dashboard Aim: to communicate electricity data to students in near real time in a way that encourages them to save more energy Developed by DMU as part of EU-funded project 7 UK Unis should have a live dashboard for 2015/16 (Bath, Cranfield, DMU, Northampton, QMUL, UWE, Worcester) Hope to roll this out to more Unis in 2016/17
What do you want to see next for SSO? Share your own experiences of what’s worked well at your Uni What would you like to see done differently? What new aspects would you like to see?
Thank you...any questions?