28 Jan J. Simon Shim Science and Creationism -A View from the National Academy of Science- Mechanobiology Find the 2 nd Ed. by NAS (1999) at
Contents: 1 st & 2 nd Ed.(1984 & 1999) The 2 nd Edition (1999) Preface Introduction The Origin of the Universe, Earth and Life Evidence Supporting Biological Evolution Human Evolution Conclusion Appendix: FAQ Recommended Readings Reviewers NAS Council Credits The 1st Edition (1984) Preface The Nature of Science Scientific Evidence on the Origin of the Universe and the Earth The Scientific Standing of Biological Evolution Human Evolution The Origin of Life Conclusion Refs/Other Publications
Why Creationism ≠ Science ? What is the Nature of Science ? AUTHORITY, REVELATION >> evidence AUTHORITY, REVELATION >> evidence EVIDENCE > any authority, revelation & supernatural EVIDENCE > any authority, revelation & supernatural - Science changes, evolves and is testable. - argue, verify and prove to be accepted. - systematize/extend our understanding. Idea Hypothesis Theory ... Scientific Laws Idea Hypothesis Theory ... Scientific Laws (not whys but how) (not whys but how) Creationism ≠ Theory ≠ Hypothesis ≠ Science Creationism ≠ Theory ≠ Hypothesis ≠ Science
What is Evolution ? In the broadest sense, evolution explains that what we see today is different from what existed in the past. Galaxies, stars, the solar system, and Earth have changed through time, and so has life on Earth. In the broadest sense, evolution explains that what we see today is different from what existed in the past. Galaxies, stars, the solar system, and Earth have changed through time, and so has life on Earth. Biological evolution concerns changes in living things during the history of life on Earth. It explains that living things share common ancestors. Over time, biological processes such as natural selection give rise to new species. Darwin called this process "descent with modification," which remains a good definition of biological evolution today. Biological evolution concerns changes in living things during the history of life on Earth. It explains that living things share common ancestors. Over time, biological processes such as natural selection give rise to new species. Darwin called this process "descent with modification," which remains a good definition of biological evolution today.
Is Evolution a Fact or Theory ? Theory of Evolution Theory of Evolution ‘ How life on Earth has changed. ’ (In Science): Theory ≠ Guess ≠ Hunch Theory = ‘Explanations of Natural Phenomena from Testable Obsrv’ns & Hypothesis ’ from Testable Obsrv’ns & Hypothesis ’ Fact = Use this word to describe an observation. Evolution = Fact ? Evolution = Fact ? Also use the word ‘fact’, when validated. ‘The occurrence of evolution’ in this sense is a ‘fact’.
EVIDENCE#1: - the Origins - Hubble’s Hypothesis (1920s) Hubble’s Hypothesis (1920s) Big Bang Hypothesis (1991) Big Bang Hypothesis (1991) Calculations of Ages Calculations of Ages Bacteria-like Organisms on Earth 3.5 Billion Years Ago Bacteria-like Organisms on Earth 3.5 Billion Years Ago Autocatalytic RNA Autocatalytic RNA A disk of dust and gas, appearing as a dark band in this Hubble Space Telescope photograph, bisects a glowing nubula around a very young star in the constellation Taurus. Similar disks can be seen around other nearby stars and are thought to provide the raw material for planets. RNA, below, like the related molecule DNA, on the left, consists of subunits called nucleotides (this computer-generated model of an RNA strand has 6 nucleotides). Because RNA molecules can catalyze chemical reactions as well as carry genetic information, they may have played an important role in the early evolution of life.
EVIDENCE#2: - Biological Evolution - Fossils Fossils Common Structures Common Structures The Distribution of Species The Distribution of Species Similarities during Development Similarities during Development New Evidence from Molecular Biology New Evidence from Molecular Biology Bat Wing Mouse ForelimbHuman Arm A bat wing, a mouse forelimb, and a human arm serve very different purposes, but they have the same basic components. The similarities arise because all 3 species share a common four-limbed vertebrate ancestor (Science & Creationism by National Academy of Science, 2 nd Ed., 1999).
EVIDENCE#3: - Human Evolution - Mammalian land ancestor Ambulocetus Rodhocetus Balaenoptera (Modern blue whale) Modern whales trace their ancestry to land mammals that evolved into species progressively more adapted to the water. Early hominids, such as members of the Australopithecus afarensis species that lived about 3 million years ago, had smaller brains and larger faces than species belonging to the genus Homo, which first appeared about 2.4 million years ago. White parts of the skulls are reconstructions, and the skulls are not all on the same scale.
(e.g.) Switching Beaks ? NPR NPR atc.05.ram atc.05.ram Scientists have manipulated cells of duck and quail embryos so that the duck would have the beak of a quail and the quail would have the bill of a duck. Scientists have manipulated cells of duck and quail embryos so that the duck would have the beak of a quail and the quail would have the bill of a duck. By Jill Helms (UCSF), By Jill Helms (UCSF), Senior author of "The Cellular and Molecular Origins of Beak Morphology." - Science magazine (Jan, 2003) -
Conclusion Science is not the only way. However; Science is not the only way. However; Scientific investigators seek to understand natural phenomena by observation and experimentation. Scientific investigators seek to understand natural phenomena by observation and experimentation. Science must be testable by observation and experimentation. Science must be testable by observation and experimentation. Creationism, intelligent design, and other claims of supernatural intervention are not science. Creationism, intelligent design, and other claims of supernatural intervention are not science. The growing role that science plays in modern life requires that science, and not religion, be taught in science classes. The growing role that science plays in modern life requires that science, and not religion, be taught in science classes.
my understanding Certain genes strongly influence. Certain genes strongly influence. Now and then there can be an "error" or mutation which then causes perhaps some new gene, or altered gene or set of genes, etc., to make a modification. Now and then there can be an "error" or mutation which then causes perhaps some new gene, or altered gene or set of genes, etc., to make a modification. Thus my understanding of evolution is that those animals that can survive best -- perhas due to this mutation -- end up proliferating better than other species and perhaps eventually becoming an entirely new species, while other species without the modification may die off etc. Anyway, evidently, that's why some animals have certain sorts of limbs; Thus my understanding of evolution is that those animals that can survive best -- perhas due to this mutation -- end up proliferating better than other species and perhaps eventually becoming an entirely new species, while other species without the modification may die off etc. Anyway, evidently, that's why some animals have certain sorts of limbs; it's in the genes and the way the genes are expressed. it's in the genes and the way the genes are expressed. One can pass on certain sets of genes which may predispose an organism to perhaps be able to "adapt" in some useful way to mechanical conditions in day-to-day life, but developmental biology controls the limb's basic structure as I understand it. One can pass on certain sets of genes which may predispose an organism to perhaps be able to "adapt" in some useful way to mechanical conditions in day-to-day life, but developmental biology controls the limb's basic structure as I understand it.