LAC REGIONAL PHN PROGRAMS. HEALTH PRIORITIES Strategic Objective  More effective delivery of selected health services and policy interventions.


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Presentation transcript:


HEALTH PRIORITIES Strategic Objective  More effective delivery of selected health services and policy interventions

5 Current Initiatives, 2 Planned  Vaccination  IMCI  Maternal Mortality  Anti-Microbial Resistance  Health Sector Reform  HIV/AIDS (planned)  Family Planning (planned)

SO Structure, Indicators  Each Initiative has:  SO level statement  defines the selected health service or policy intervention  SO level indicator(s)  IRs with indicators

Initiative Implementation  Authorized $30 million/5 years  to increase in FY 01 to $32/6 years  Multiple implementing agencies/Initiative  PAHO (except HIV/AIDS, Family Planning)  G/PHN Cooperating Agencies (except Vacc)  Coordinated by Steering Committees:  USAID, G/PHN CAs, PAHO(as involved)  Target countries  selected for magnitude and severity of problems

HURRICANE RECONSTRUCTION Special Objective  Health Components  SpO: Hurricane reconstruction services in the LAC region provided

OVERVIEW of HEALTH COMPONENTS  CDC IAA  $15,000,000  21 May 99 through 21 May 02  Sub-grants to PAHO and Association of Public Health Laboratories  Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Haiti, regional

OVERVIEW OF HEALTH COMPONENTS (con’t)  PAHO-CR Grant  $1,499,835 (they lost $165 to DC parking fines)  30 June 00 through 31 December 01  Sub-grants to  Ministry of Public Health  Social Security

CDC IAA STRUCTURE  SpO-level objective:  Re-establish and sustain the capacity for assessment of health status and the early detection and effective response to outbreaks and changes in disease patterns  IR 1: Surveillance  Disease surveillance rehabilitated and information used for public health decisions

CDC IAA Structure (con’t)  IR 2: Epidemiological Training  Increased availability of trained epidemiologists in the region and the training of other levels of health workers by these epidemiologists  IR 3: Laboratories  Infectious disease and environmental health laboratories rehabilitated.  IR 4: Community-based programming  Capacity of MOHs to design and implement community based prevention and control of disease institutionalized.

PAHO-Costa Rica Grant OVERVIEW  SpO-level objective:  Overall health of the population that lives in areas of high post-Mitch immigration improved.

PAHO-Costa Rica Grant Components  IR 1: Health Care  Increased coverage of health care for individuals  IR 2: Public Health  Public health actions strengthened  IR 3: Health Information  Information System for immigrant population improved

NEW PHN Strategic Objective FY 02-FY 06

What would be different?  Focus on relationship to mission programs  Common Intermediate Results across initiatives  Programming in each of Agency PHN SOs, rather than selected topics

What would be the same?  Activities grouped into Initiatives  Advisors assigned to specific initiatives  Emphasis on cross-country activities that missions and G cannot do  Avoid in-country implementation activities  Multiple implementing agencies per initiative  Coordinate using Committees of implementing agencies

Very Drafty Results Framework  Strategic Objective: USAID country programs advanced and supported in priority PHN areas

Drafty Results Framework (continued)  IR 1: PHN trends and sector profiles compiled and communicated  IR 2: Knowledge, technologies, and methods developed or adapted  IR3: Innovations/lessons learned identified, analyzed, synthesized, and or disseminated  IR 4: Opportunities to share experiences and advice between countries promoted  IR 5: Appropriate PHN approaches advocated