Safeguarding children in a digital world: national conference and exhibition National motorcycle museum 13 February 2008
Charlotte Aynsley Head of Safety and Safeguarding, Becta Call to action
What we know – Building a picture Association of Directors of Childrens Services (ADCS) confidential peer review Direct support through regional engagement team and safeguarding team Conference attendance and registration Development of the pack.
What we know – Building a picture
Next steps As a result of this conference, what are your three priorities? What can we do to help you achieve those priorities? What are the three things you have learnt?
Our commitment Partnership with ADCS and Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) Regional events Regional Broadband Consortia events Regional Engagement team Capacity building 10 copies of the pack to each local authority Further survey of state of play January 2009
Action points from the feedback form Developing the plan Implementing the plan Reviewing and monitoring the plan Developing expertise Your commitment