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Presentation transcript:

Hosted by Mr. Lynch

Hello Social Studies!!!!! Welcome 7 th Grade!!!!!

Qualifications Branches PowersLucky

Row 1, Col 1 Senate for 6 years House of Reps is 2 years How long can somebody serve in the Senate, and in the House of Representatives?

1,2 There are 3 branches and laws are made by Congress. How many branches are there? Laws are made in what branch?

1,3 The Senate tries impeachment cases, and war is declared by Congress. Impeachment cases are tried by what branch? What group declares war?

1,4 The intro is called the Preamble, and a census is taken every 10 years. The introduction to the Constitution is called what? How many years is every census taken?

2,1 The ages are 25, 30, and 35. How old do you have to be to be in the House of Representatives, Senate, and to be the President?

2,2 The population of each state. The number of people in the House of Representatives for each state depends on what?

2,3 They have to have a 2/3 vote in both houses. If the President vetoes a bill. How much does the House and the Senate have to vote to override his veto?

2,4 There can be 2 Senators because of equal representation. House depends on each states population. How many Senators can each state have, and how many Representative can each state have?

3,1 35 years old Citizen for 14 years Natural born citizen What are the qualifications for the President?

3,2 They can get re-elected an unlimited amount of time. How many times can a member in Congress get re- elected?

3,3 Tax bills start in the House of Representatives. The President! Where do tax bills start? What person carries out the laws, and is the chief diplomat?

3,4 He has 8 days to act otherwise the bill becomes a law. How many days does the president have to sign or veto a bill?

4,1 25 years old Citizen for 7 years Must live in the state that you are elected in or running for. What are the qualifications to become a member of the House of Representatives?

4,2 It means a two house system. Upper- Senate Lower- House What does Bi-cameral mean? What groups makes up the Upper and Lower House?

4,3 Revenue bills start in the House of Representatives. Congress has power to print, and coin money. All revenue bill dealing with revenue start where? Who has the power to print and coin money?

4,4 Congress! The District of Colombia is between Virginia and Maryland. Legislative Branch is known as what? Where is the capital of the United States? (Washington D.C.)

5,1 30 years old Citizen for 9 years Must live in the state that you are elected in or running for. What are the qualifications to become a member of the Senate?

5,2 Legislative- Makes the law Judicial- Interprets the law Executive- Enforces the law Name and tell me what does each branch does?

5,3 House- Brings charges Senate- Removes from office What house brings charges up of Impeachment? What house removes them after a guilty conviction?

5,4 Idea, Representative, Committee, House, Senate, and President. What is the order of how a bill become a law?