How a Bill Becomes a Law
Step 1: Introduction Write It (“Draft”) Introduce in House and Senate Sponsors / Co-sponsors Referral to Committees
Step 2: Committee Action Written Comment Hearings Mark-Up Reports
Step 3: Floor Action Part A: The House Stop at the Rules Committee How much debate? Open or closed rule Debate on House Floor Quorum call – 218 members Vote
Step 3: Floor Action Part B: The Senate No limit on debate or on amendments Fillibuster Cloture vote Vote
Step 4: Combined Action Several options Only one chamber has voted on the bill Now must be sent to other chamber If other chamber amends or changes the legislation, we must convene a “conference committee” (see below) House or Senate vote on same version of bill We can go straight to the President House and Senate have different versions of the bill Convene a “conference committee” to reach compromise Compromise bill must be sent back to House and Senate for approval
Step 5: Presidential Action President signs the bill It becomes law President vetoes the bill Either Congress overrides veto (by 2/3 in both chambers) Or bill dies
Step 5: Presidential Action What if the President does nothing? If 10 days pass, and Congress is still in session, the bill automatically becomes a law If Congress adjourns before the 10 days expire, the bill dies – “Pocket Veto”