Wendy Connelly Q 108
Personal Background: ~ Technology / Software Background ~ B.A.: English major, History minor St. Mary’s College ~ M.A.: Liberal Studies (Humanities) St. Mary’s College
Policies & Procedures ~ Be on time, in seat when bell rings. ~No cell phones, no headphones, no food in class. ~Be prepared for class. ~ Be polite & respect others. ~Keep your area clean.
Collegiate Writing Expectations I. Amount of Writing: Quarter classes 2 short word essays OR one short essay and one long research paper A midterm exam with short answer essay questions and a longer final exam with longer questions Semester Courses Two midterm exams Final exam Long analytical, research paper of at least 8 pages II. Types of Writing
What students can not do… Only 1/3 of students are prepared for the two most frequently assigned writing tasks: –Analyzing information or arguments –Synthesizing information from several sources **Therefore, this will be our focus!
Curriculum Focus: American Literature Understanding the American Dream ~ Students will read fiction, non-fiction, periodicals, speeches, letters and autobiographies. ~ 1 st Quarter: Founding Fathers – American Renaissance ~2 nd Quarter: 1880’s – early 1900’s (Great Gatsby) ~3 rd Quarter: 1930’s -1960’s (The Crucible) ~4 th Quarter: 1960’s (A Streetcar Named Desire)
Grading & Assessment: ~ Rubrics used for all assignments ~Participation ~ Short Term Assignments: - Reading (Quizzes), Writing Samples, Grammar ~Long Term Assignments -Essays, Unit & Quarterly Tests *Grades are posted in the classroom on Fridays or can be accessed on the web.
Materials & Homework ~Materials: ~Notebooks (paper, pen & pencil) ~ Writing Portfolio ~ Essays: One per quarter ~Homework: Reading, & Writing
Web Page ~Class Documents ~ Calendar & Assignments (Absences & Make-up work) ~Standards **Students will be asked on occasion to print out materials from the website for class.
Communication **Sign-in Sheets : Class Updates Phone: (925) ext. 5 Conferences: ~Before school :7:30am-8:00am Tues, Thurs. ~After school: 3:00-4:00 Fridays ~By appointment ** Please note: I am able to respond quicker to than to voice messages.