RECAP TOPIC? THEME? What does the author do to reveal the theme? THESIS?
The Great Gatsby Topic: The American Dream Theme: The disintegration of the American Dream, and the decaying social morals of Americans during the economic boom of the 20’s. Characters: Jay Gatsby, Daisy and Tom. Setting: Valley of Ashes. Symbol: The Green Light, Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, Weather (Spring->Fall)
Now put it to the test! As a group, read “The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane. Pg As you read, look for the topics of the story, and how/what does Crane use (symbol, motif, character, etc.) to expresses his views about them. What are the themes of this story? Write a group thesis as if you were to write an essay about how the author conveys the theme of the story.