Fiscal and other Policies to Leverage Private Sector Finance
The Role of the Private Sector 1.Climate proof operations and supply chains 2.Delivery of goods and services that build people’s resilience 3.Engage with communities in which companies operate / resilient business practices The private sector is already investing in building resilience.
Autonomous adaptation by private sector Private sector actions: -Focus on sustainability -Assess impacts of climate change on sector and society as a whole -Climate proof operations / supply chains Public sector role -Policy leadership and stability -Fill information gaps -Improve access to finance -Improve investment climate -Facilitate technology transfer Coordination, private sector involvement in policy development (requires active engagement from both public and private sector) Non-autonomous adaptation by private sector Private sector actions: -Lead on policy engagement -Build partnerships -Engage in national and sectoral consultations Public sector actions: -Provide financial and risk reduction incentives -Develop standards, criteria -Piloting / invest in innovation Involvement of private sector in delivery of public services and investments Public investments: -Infrastructure -Social safety nets -DRR -Healthcare -Private sector as implementer -Public Private Partnerships The Role of the Public Sector
Challenges Quantifying risks to improve investment decisions Short and different investment horizons ‘Private sector’ encompasses a broad spectrum of stakeholders Market development takes time
Example: Geothermal Power in Indonesia World’s largest source of geothermal power (27GW) – less than 5% developed to date Risks: Exploration, Regulatory (pricing framework), Governance History – 1970: first identification of geothermal resources – 1990: start of development – 2003: Geothermal Law (setting 6000 MW goal for 2020) – 2011: $145mn geothermal fund for exploration (de-risking investment) – 2012: Variable FiT (correcting pricing distortions)
Development of market takes time: example from Mexico
Questions How to reach a diverse set of private sector actors? What role for the GCF, especially, what level of intervention?
Policies that can be used to promote private sector investments Improved production and dissemination of information on climate change and its impacts / technical assistance / awareness raising Adaptation of standards and regulations Investment in innovation / innovation funds / competitions Provide concessional / flexible loans and credit lines Improve financial climate – increase depth of financial market: – Currency and interest rate swaps and facilities – Political risk guarantees – Partial risk and credit guarantees
Regulations Participation+ Capacity+ Outreach+ Planning Participation Research Capacity Outreach Prep studies Information Capacity Technology Financial reform Support industry Capacity+ Finance+ Policy/Institutional Industry/Financial Source: WRI Prioritization framework to enabling activities