ASPECTS OF GLOBALIZATION Buca, Niña Paulene Beronio, Glory Salma
Globalization is a process by which the experience of everyday life, marked by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, is becoming standardized around the world.
Factors that have contributed to globalization include increasingly sophisticated communications and transportation technologies and services, mass migration and the movement of peoples, a level of economic activity that has outgrown national markets through industrial combinations and commercial groupings that cross national frontiers, and international agreements that reduce the cost of doing business in foreign countries.
Experts have accurately identified techno- economic globalization as the precursor of other forms of globalization, such as transnational cultural exchanges. That is, the open and expanding market, in a synergistic relationship with technology (including scientific developments), has given rise to concomitant political, institutional, social, intellectual, and diplomatic changes.
There is a realization of a global common market, based on the freedom of exchange of goods and capital. Further, in the job market, employees compete indirectly in a global job market. In the past, the economic fate of workers was tied to the fate of national economies.
This refers to the rise and expansion of multinational and transnational enterprises. First aspect of Globalization
This refers to the emergence of world- wide financial markets and better access to external financing for corporate, national and sub-national borrowers. Financial Globalization Second aspect of Globalization
Political Globalization This refers to the spread of political sphere of interests to the regions and countries outside the neighborhood of political (state or non-state) actors and the potential formation of a global citizen movement. Third aspect of Globalization
Informational Globalization This refers to the increase in information flows between geographically remote locations. Fourth aspect of Globalization
Cultural Globalization This refers to the growth of cross- cultural contacts. People of the world get a better understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity and plurality. Fifth aspect of Globalization
Globalism This refers to the universal, internationalist impulse that the world is connected. It refers to the connection between cultures, nations and peoples; embodies cultural diffusion, the desire to consume and enjoy foreign products and ideas, adopt new technologies and practices, and participate in “world culture”. Sixth aspect of Globalization
Recent developments in EDUCATION
Demand for widening the education access for all. Continuous lifelong learning.
Global versus local developments. Creation of new educational networked organizations.
Changing of educational management from hierarchical institutions to equal distributions of network organizations, from commanding to negotiating. Demand for more flexible and general skills. ( (n /html/x464.html )
Our vision of global education was organized around the following core values: peace and non-violence social justice and human rights economic well- being and equity cultural equity ecological balance democratic participation
Core skills and competencies included self-worth and self- affirmation, the affirmation of others, including skill, non-violent conflict resolution and mediation, imagination, and effective organizing (Mische, 2001).