17/10/2015GSC-9, Seoul 1 Short Message Service [SMS] and Multimedia Messaging Service [MMS] General ETSI activities overview Extension from the mobile to the fixed networks SOURCE:ETSI, AT and AT-F Chairmen in collaboration with F-MMS Project Leader TITLE:Standardization activity on SMS and MMS AGENDA ITEM:Joint GSTC/GSRC CONTACTS: GSC9/Joint_025
17/10/2015GSC-9, Seoul2 ETSI Standardised successfully SMS and MMS for mobile networks (GSM and 3GPP)… …and after a great commercial success of these services… ETSI completed F-SMS (Fixed Network SMS) standards to facilitate the same services to fixed networks‘ users ETSI is finalising F-MMS (Fixed Network MMS) standards, the extension of MMS services to fixed network‘s users ETSI started F-MMS specification for NGN ETSI standards are available (free of charge) on: Introduction
17/10/2015GSC-9, Seoul3 Main Standardisation work for F-SMS is ES (edition 2 published) Describes F-SMS service for User (UBS) and Network (NBS) Based Solutions ES (published, edition 2 will soon be available) Main standard, specifies UBS communication terminal - service centre ES series (published) Specify tests for ES (UBS) ES series (published) Standards for Network Based Solution (NBS) DTR/AT (drafting) Studies Control Strings for SMS supplementary services TS series (approved to be published soon) Offers an overview of User and Network Based Solutions ETSI Standards for F-SMS (free of charge on:
17/10/2015GSC-9, Seoul4 ETSI Standards for F-MMS (free of charge on: Main Standardisation work for F-MMS is ES series, including TR , TS parts (major parts published or soon to be published) Offers the main set of F-MMS standards DTS/AT (drafting phase) Specifies the remote configuration of terminals DTS/AT (drafting phase) Specifies combined PSTN/ISDN & IP access DES/TISPAN FMMS (drafting phase) Describes the F-MMS service in NGN (PSTN/ ISDN, xDSL, IP)
17/10/2015GSC-9, Seoul5 ETSI is developing the standards in close collaboration with the industry, particularly the F-MMS Forum ETSI developed F-SMS and F-MMS standards centred on the experience of two TBs AT (Access and Terminals aspects) TISPAN (service and interconnection aspects) Sources of information
17/10/2015GSC-9, Seoul6 SMS, MMS and the global impact A proposal to standardise F-SMS in ITU-T SG 16 was recently submitted ETSI is studying with ITU the best solution On the global market the same designation should not name 2 different services even if they are similar and eventually compatible The well established expression "SMS" should only be perceived as the SMS service defined in GSM/3GPP ETSI is currently active to reach a global acceptance for their F-SMS and F-MMS standards