HINDUISM: ONE GOD, MANY FORMS Presented by the Hindu Students Council Visit For 100’s of free powerpoints
Hindu Prayer before Eating Brahmaarpanam Brahma Havihi Brahmaagnau Brahmanaa Hutam Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam Brahma Karma Samaadhinaam
Brief History of Hinduism Most ancient religion in the world today Based on the timeless spiritual vision and revealed knowledge of the sacred Vedas Also known as Sanātana Dharma and Vaidika Dharma Now the third largest religion in the world Nepal is the only nation with Hinduism as its state religion
Basic Beliefs Various religions of man are different paths to the one God Essential Concepts: –Dharma (individual ethics duties and obligations), –Samsara (reincarnation/rebirth) –Karma (actions leading to a cause and effect relationship; selfless action) –Moksha (salvation of every soul through a variety of paths) –Bhakti (devotion; belief in God) –Jnana (enlightenment, knowledge) Importance of Om (Aum) Deities are all manifestations of the ONE SUPREME monistic Brahman
A Monotheistic Religion Often misconceived to be a polytheistic religion However, fundamental is the belief in a singular, Universal Soul that is the ultimate divine Reality "The Reality is One, the wise ones refer to It variously (by various terms).” He has various names that all refer to the same Being Different forms can be considered different paths to suit different types of people
Why so many forms? Varied expressions of the glory, power, grandeur and a mysterious divine nature of the Supreme Being. While fulfilling a certain cosmic function, the Supreme Being becomes referred to by a specific name. Certain deities were personified with features that symbolized various aspects of the Divine nature. These manifest forms are thus a great help in enabling one to dwell upon God in a tangible manner. The Water Analogy: one substance that takes on different forms to fulfill different functions.
Ganesha: Remover of Obstacles 'Ga' symbolizes Buddhi (intellect) and 'Na' symbolizes Vijnana (wisdom). Considered the master of intellect and wisdom. Provides prosperity and fortune. His grace is invoked before the undertaking of any task
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Trimurti are three aspects of God, as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva Brahma - the Source/Creator/Generator Vishnu - the Preserver/Indwelling- Life/Operator Shiva - the Transformer/Destroyer- Creator Similar to interpretations of the Trinity in Christianity
Krishna Eighth avatar (incarnation) of Vishnu Known for His pastoral childhood as well as His youth and life as a heroic warrior and teacher Non-Hindu religions that originated in India have their own versions of Him.
Lakshmi: Goddess of Wealth Goddess of wealth, light, wisdom and fortune, as well as luck, beauty, and fertility. Representations are also found in Jain and Buddhist monuments. Also considered the Mother of the Universe and Vishnu's Shakti (strength)
Saraswati: Goddess of Knowledge First goddess worshipped in the Hindu religion. Goddess of Knowledge and music, arts, and speech. Also Goddess of thoughts of truth and forgiveness. Originated as a river goddess. Her name is Sanskrit for "she who has lakes or pools."
References Pictures from wikipedia.org and Google Images. “Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” -The Gita