Crime Film Posters Research Belkacem Hamida
Main Image: Denzel Washington is the protagonist, His name in large outstanding red font as he was a popular actor and the text colour relevant to the title. A very serious facial expression, eyes covered by glasses to add a sense of mystery to his character. Denzel’s takes a protective stance as his hand covers the small girl behind him, portraying him as protective & brave. Clearly some sort of bodyguard or agent as it is clearly not his daughter. The type of character indicates its a thriller/crime genre movie. His costume makes him seem smart and professional. Along with that he is heading forward as if ready for action. Fire and smoke in the foreground image indicates destruction all around, something disastrous has taken place therefore a crime genre movie. The secondary character looks frightened conveyed through her teary eyes and tight grip on her doll. But as she has positioned herself behind him and remains still indicates she feels safe with him. Release Poster
Teaser poster Indicates the release date just beneath the title Clear indication of the two protagonists both with serious threatening expressions. Sets the mood of the movie. Thriller/Crime Title in distinct all caps red writing, red symbolising blood or pain linking in with the genre of the movie. Clear names of the two stars in the movie right above the title in white text so wont be missed. Weapon clearly shown to indicate crime and a threatening character Phrase in the centre of the poster, bold all caps white text right in the audiences face. Refers to the title of the movie so makes it enticing
DVD cover Age rating in all the suitable areas where they usually are Blurb about what the movie is about to be informative as a DVD cover should be Review from respected newspaper to make it more appealing and persuasive as to why the customer should buy it Outstanding title – White, all capitals apart from the I. All characters positioned in different stances but all have serious facial expressions Names of all the producers/direct ors/cast etc. Character holding a weapon indicating he is a violent character Sky opened up and light Whereas sky on top of the character with a weapon is extremely cloudy and dark indicating he is the villain