Meeting Present and Emerging Strategic Human Resource Challenges
HR Department and Managers “The role of a company’s HR department is to support, not supplant managers’ HR responsibility” “Every manager is an HR manager”
Key HR Challenges for Today’s Managers: Environmental Rapid change Workforce diversity Globalization Internet revolution Legislation Evolving work and family roles Skill Shortages Rise of the service sector Environmental challenges are the forces external to the firm. They influence organizational performance but are largely beyond management’s control. Managers need to monitor the external environment constantly for opportunities and threats. This slide demonstrates how a variety of environmental factors impact the organization.
Key HR Challenges for Today’s Managers: Organizational Competitive Position: Cost, Quality, distinctive capabilities Decentralization Downsizing Organizational restructuring Self-managed work teams Small business growth Technology Outsourcing
Individual Challenges Key HR Challenges for Today’s Managers: Individual Matching People and Organization Matching people and organizations Ethical dilemmas Social responsibility Productivity Empowerment Job insecurity
KNOWLEDGE OF BUSINESS How HR can be a Strategic Partner HR must understand… internal / external customers key business disciplines business structure, vision, values, goals, strategies, finances competitors, products, technology and sources of competitive advantage
STRATEGIC THINKING How HR can be a Strategic Partner Understand strategic business planning Apply a systematic HR planning process Integrate HR systems to build capability and competitive advantage for the firm Develop and integrate department strategies within corporate framework
PROCESS SKILLS How HR can be a Strategic Partner Know management processes Know process skills: consulting, problem solving, evaluation and communication Understand organizational development Facilitate and manage change Manage under uncertainty and instability
TECHNOLOGY How HR can be a Strategic Partner Maintain HR documentation using knowledge management and technology Build firm’s capability using info systems Provide training in use of technology
Video Clip – Young Frankenstein Consider the laboratory a workplace and see how many HR issues arise and answer these questions: What are the HR issues that arise? How are these issues important in today’s organizations? If you were the HR director at the castle, what policies and procedures would you want to put into place to keep this from happening again?