Vocab #8
mar- sea
path – suffering; disease; feeling; passion
pen/pun- penalty; to punish
matr – mother
luc – light
Prefix : under- under, below
Suffix -er -or one who does
mar- sea
marine adj - relating to the sea
marine n. – a soldier serving overseas
maritime adj. - relating to commerce and navigation
marina n. - a dock for mooring and refitting boats
marsh n. -wet land; swamp
path – suffering; disease; feeling; passion
pathos forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion
pathetic causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, or sorrow,
sympathy a shared feeling of loss, sorrow, or grief
psychopath one who does not/cannot sympathize with anyone, a "diseased mind"
empathize to understand, feel for someone else
apathy lack of interest in or concern for things
antipathy hate, hatred, hostility, ill will
pen/pun- penalty; to punish
punish v. - to inflict a penalty for (an offense, fault, etc.)
penitentiary a place where people go when they commit crimes
penalize v. - to subject to a penalty
matr – mother
maternal adj. - relating to motherhood
maternity n. - the state of being a mother
matriarch n. - a woman head of a household; a motherly, female leader
luc – light
lucent adj. - giving light, shining, clear
lucid adj. - clear; bright; filled with light
lumen a unit of light
luminescence n. - brightness, incandescence
luster n. - sparkle; gloss; glaze
elucidate v.-bring into the light; make clear; explain
illuminate v. - bring in light; light up; make bright
translucent letting light come through
luminaire a lighting unit
lunatic moonstruck; insane
Prefix: under- under
understudy underneath undercover undergarments underground underwear, underpants underdog underarms underage underachiever
Suffix -er -or one who does
writer professor creator director actor doctor teacher philanderer photographer soldier walker babyboomer