God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit: Are they all the same, or different ? Ice, Water and Steam Are they all the same, or different ? To describe the Trinity To identify misconceptions about the Trinity To reflect on the importance of the persons of the Trinity
The Trinity 1.Draw the diagram below. 2.Explain what it is saying: -How are the Persons of the Trinity the same? -How are they different? **What makes them “different”?
Inseparable Each is a “person” Each is equal God They are and act as one They act in their own character (as Father, Son or H.S) Underline key words that describe what the Trinity is like eg “inseparable”. Use the key words you underlined to write your own definition of the Trinity. **Which aspect of the Trinity is difficult to understand ? Why? "Now this is the Catholic faith: We worship one God in the Trinity and the Trinity as one God, without confusing them together or separating them out as separate persons. For the Father, the Son and the Spirit are each their own person. But all are equal God, equal in glory and in majesty. The Father, Son and Spirit are inseparable in who they are, and in what they do – so they act as one. But when they act as one, they act in the way typical of each: so it is in the character of the Father to be the Creator; it is in the character of the Son to be born as man; it is in the character of the Spirit to be given as a gift to humans. (Athanasian Creed: DS 75; ND 16).
Words to describe the Trinity..
What the Trinity is NOT God = 1/3God + 1/3God + 1/3God God is in 3 distinct forms (like 3 gods) God the Son is a creation of God the Father The Holy Spirit is just the impersonal power of God - but not really God 1.Explain 2 wrong ways of understanding the Trinity. 2.What is your understanding of the Trinity? Is it “wrong” in any of these ways? Explain. ** Try and make your own correct definition of the Trinity by changing the wrong statements into right ones.
What is the Trinity? What is it NOT?
The Three Persons of the Trinity are ONE and the SAME God – but acting in a characteristic way (as Father, Son or H.S. What do you think is characteristic way of acting of the Father? the Son? the Spirit ? Showing justice and kindness, and guiding us Source of life that creates and keeps all things in being through love The saving love of God in human form The being and action of God, making us into God’s image The heart and source of the Trinity 1. Match the Person of the Trinity with their characteristic role. 2. Which person of the Trinity do you connect with most ? Which one do you think people tend to ignore? Why ? **Are Muslim correct when they say Christians are polytheists?
Draw your own version of the Trinity, showing how they are ONE and the SAME, equal in majesty, but with their own characteristic way of acting