Middle & Southern Colonies The Colonies to the south of New England were not settled by the Puritans. The Middle & Southern colonies developed differently because the beliefs of the people who settled there. Unlike the Puritan colonies, many of these colonies showed religious tolerance
...fur traders on the Hudson River drew many Europeans to the Middle Colonies because the fur traders noticed that plants and trees grew well in the rich soil, and these fur traders spread the word. ...in Pennsylvania Quakers and other religious groups, the Lutherans, those of the Jewish faith, Baptists, and Amish could worship freely. ...colonists from all over Europe were welcomed in the Middle Colonies. ...Philadelphia and New York City became major trade centers because of their river locations?
Middle Colonies New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware They are called the Middle Colonies due to their location
New York-Dutch-New Netherland Originally settled by Dutch in 1621 Came from Holland (Netherlands) Settled in present-day Manhattan Fur Trade, instead of farming…colony grew slowly Dutch opened settlement to all Religious toleration- synagogue Peter Stuyvesant-leader
New York-English Rule Two reasons why England wanted New Netherland $ opportunities Link between Virginian and New England colonies
New York Changes Hands The English claimed New Netherland on the ground of the Cabot discoveries; and Charles II now, 1664, coolly gave the entire country, from the Connecticut to the Delaware, to his brother James, Duke of York, ignoring the claims of the Dutch colony. New York changed hands without a fight
Pennsylvania 1680 William Penn received a land grant between New York and Maryland Penn intended the land as a refuge for Quakers, who were persecuted for their beliefs
Pennsylvania Quakers –Believed religion was their personal experience they did not need churches or ministers –They objected to all political and religious authority advocated pacifism…opposition to war and violence.
Pennsylvania Penn founded the colony. Granted religious freedom & political freedom to all. Penn regarded the treatment of Natives in other colonies as unjust…signed a peace treaty with Native Americans
Pennsylvania Philadelphia-capitol of Pennsylvania. Penn established a charter that created a legislative assembly elected directly by the voters. All colonists who owned >50 acres of land and were Christian could vote. Penn purchased land south of Pennsylvania, which later became Delaware
Southern Colonies Virginia, Maryland, Carolinas and Georgia All these colonies began as proprietary colonies.
Southern Colonies King Charles II granted land south of Virginia to his friends and political allies. The land known as Carolina, developed as two separate regions-North Carolina and South Carolina
Carolina The territory was called Carolina in honor of Charles the First ("Carolus" is the Latin form of "Charles"). Large area called Carolina was split in two 1691 when 2 governors were appointed.
North Carolina NC grew slowly, farmers eventually grew tobacco and began to export other items such as tar & turpentine Imported slaves to work tobacco fields
South Carolina First settles believed that SC would be good for growing sugarcane, unfortunately they were wrong. First settlers named their settlement Charles Town which became present day Charleston
Maryland Lord Baltimore, a Catholic, founds Maryland. Religious freedom (Maryland Toleration) for all Christians $ = tobacco Used Africans as slaves. Considered slaves as property…not human. 1663 all Africans imported to Maryland were slaves
Georgia James Oglethorpe started the colony of Georgia. Established the colony as a place for English debtors to start over rather than be imprisoned. Colony also acted as a buffer between the Spanish and British territories
Review By 1752 there were 13 British colonies in North America
Review… Spanish Explorers French Explorers English Explorers
SpanishFrenchEnglish Areas of colonization Reasons for colonization Economy Role of religion Relationship with natives
New England MiddleSouthern Colonies Economy Religious tolerance