Employability Fund 2014 / 15 Grant McDougall, Head of Operations South East Region, Skills Development Scotland Employability Fund and how bids need to be constructed Employability Fund in context ~ Edinburgh Strategic Skills Pipeline
Employability Fund 2014 / 15 The City of Edinburgh Council's Economic Strategy for , focuses on sustainable economic growth through investment in jobs.Economic Strategy for Four focussed programmes work to achieve this: 1.Invest in the city's development and regenerationInvest in the city's development and regeneration 2.Support inward investmentSupport inward investment 3.Support businessesSupport businesses 4.Help unemployed people into work or learningHelp unemployed people into work or learning
PROGRAMME – 10.30Employability Fund 2014/15 Patricia Thomson, Skills Development Scotland, Area Manager – 10.50Employability Fund and the Pipeline 2014/15 ~ The Edinburgh Perspective Brian Martin, City of Edinburgh Council – Strategic Partner Communication DWP – Flexible Support Funding, thoughts and proposals Jim Mulholland, Customer Services Operations Manager SDS – My World of Work, Alison Eaglesham Get On Gateway, Vivienne Robinson CCP – Making it Work, Irene Thompson,