Wednesday, Oct. 5 Put your Triangular Trade homework on my desk 1. Update your table of contents DateTitle Entry # 10/4Southern Region Worksheet 31 10/4Triangular Trade map 32 10/5Important Colonies Turn to entry 32 and title it Triangular Trade 3. Turn to entry 33 and title it Important Colonies 1 st Six Weeks Test Tomorrow. Review is for Homework. You will be turning it into me tomorrow!!!!!!!
Mid-Atlantic Region New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York
Describe Geography and climate: -land good for farming -mild climate -coastal lowlands, harbors, bays, many wide rivers
Describe religious, social, and political life: -Social = *People from many different countries in Europe (Dutch, German, French) *climate of tolerance *free ownership of land -Religious = Religious liberty (Quakers) -Political = Proprietary Colonies (owned by a single person who chose a Governor)
How did colonists make their money? -Grew crops (wheat, corn, and rye) “Breadbasket colonies” -Trading goods to major market towns -Artisans
Describe how the colony was arranged. -Market towns -Small villages -Big cities (Philadelphia, New York City)
Southern Region Virginia, Maryland, South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia
Describe Geography and climate: -Plains, harbors, many rivers -Rich soil and humid (makes for good farming)
Describe religious, social, and political life: -Social = People lived far apart so little schooling or socializing Life centered around the plantation -Religious = Church of England (Anglican) Catholics in Maryland -Political = Royal colonies (run by governors appointed by the king) or Charters (Virginia Co.)
How did colonists make their money? -Grew cash crops (tobacco, indigo, rice) -Buying and selling of wood products -slavery
Describe how the colony was arranged. -Plantations Mansion, slave quarters, cattle pen, overseer’s house, stables, tobacco barn, kitchen, office, and smokehouse -Small farms -Few towns or cities (Charlestown and Savannah)
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff MassachusettsPilgrims –Wm. Bradford Puritans - John Winthrop 1620 – Mayflower Compact Great Migration
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff MassachusettsPilgrims –Wm. Bradford Puritans - John Winthrop 1620 – Mayflower Compact Great Migration Rhode IslandRodger WilliamsSeparation of Church and State Dissenters – Ann Hutchison
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff MassachusettsPilgrims –Wm. Bradford Puritans - John Winthrop 1620 – Mayflower Compact Great Migration Rhode IslandRodger WilliamsSeparation of Church and State Dissenters – Ann Hutchison ConnecticutThomas HookerFundamental Orders of Connecticut – 1 st written Constitution
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff MassachusettsPilgrims –Wm. Bradford Puritans - John Winthrop 1620 – Mayflower Compact Great Migration Rhode IslandRodger WilliamsSeparation of Church and State Dissenters – Ann Hutchison ConnecticutThomas HookerFundamental Orders of Connecticut – 1 st written Constitution New YorkDutch then English
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff MassachusettsPilgrims –Wm. Bradford Puritans - John Winthrop 1620 – Mayflower Compact Great Migration Rhode IslandRodger WilliamsSeparation of Church and State Dissenters – Ann Hutchison ConnecticutThomas HookerFundamental Orders of Connecticut – 1 st written Constitution New YorkDutch then English PennsylvaniaWilliam PennHaven for Quakers Political, Religious, and economic freedom
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff New YorkDutch then English PennsylvaniaWilliam PennHaven for Quakers Political, Religious, and economic freedom VirginiaJamestown1607 House of Burgesses – 1 st representative assembly
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff New YorkDutch then English PennsylvaniaWilliam PennHaven for Quakers Political, Religious, and economic freedom VirginiaJamestown1607 House of Burgesses – 1 st representative assembly MarylandLord BaltimoreHaven for Catholics Toleration Act – religious freedom for Christians
Important Colonies#33 ColonyFounder/LeaderImportant Stuff New YorkDutch then English PennsylvaniaWilliam PennHaven for Quakers Political, Religious, and economic freedom VirginiaJamestown1607 House of Burgesses – 1 st representative assembly MarylandLord BaltimoreHaven for Catholics Toleration Act – religious freedom for Christians GeorgiaJames OglethorpeDebtors colony Military barrier against Spanish Florida