Awards Reception 2008
IEEE Computer Society is proud to be a c0-sponsor of the IEEE International Test Conference. IEEE Computer Society is proud to be a c0-sponsor of the IEEE International Test Conference.
ITC Steering Committee
Meritorious Service Awards
Meritorious Service Award For major contributions and leadership as the 2007 ITC General Chair. Jill Sibert, Raspberry Communications
Outstanding Contribution Award
For major contributions and leadership as the 2007 ITC Program Chair. Janusz Rajski, Mentor Graphics Corporation
Certificate of Appreciation
For providing five years of continuous service on the ITC Steering Committee. Ken Butler, Texas Instruments
ITC Program Committee
Outstanding Contribution Award
For completion of fifteen years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. Benoit Nadeau-Dostie, Logic Vision Inc.
Continuing Service Awards
Continuing Service (1) For completion of ten years of continuous service to ITC Program Committee. Nur Touba, University of Texas at Austin
Continuing Service (2) For completion of ten years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. Prab Varma, Blue Pearl Software Inc.
Certificate of Appreciation
Certificate of Appreciation (1) For completion of five years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. Xinli Gu, Cisco Systems Inc.
Certificate of Appreciation (2) For completion of five years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. Brion Keller, Cadence Design Systems
Certificate of Appreciation (3) For completion of five years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. Jim O’Reilly, Teradyne Inc.
Certificate of Appreciation (4) For completion of five years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. James Plusquellic, University Of Maryland
Certificate of Appreciation (5) For completion of five years of continuous service to the ITC Program Committee. Erik Volkerink, Agilent Technologies
ITC/TTTC Commemorative Gerald W. Gordon Award for Student Volunteer Service
Gerald W. Gordon Student Service Award For his support to East-West Design and Test Symposium (EWDTS) 2007 Gurgen Harutyunyan Yerevan State University
TTTC Service Awards
Outstanding Contribution Award
Outstanding Contribution Award (1) For providing significant services as TTTC Secretary for five years Christian Landrault
Outstanding Contribution Award (2) For significant services as TTTC Standards Group Chair for more than four years Rohit Kapur
Outstanding Contribution Award (3) For providing significant services as General Chair VTS 2008 Alex Orailoglu
Outstanding Contribution Award (4) For significant services as TTTC Asian & Pacific Group Chair for more than four years Hideo Fujiwara
Outstanding Contribution Award (5) For significant services as DATE General Chair 2008 Donatella Sciuto
Meritorious Service Awards
Meritorious Service Award (1) For significant servies as Design&Test Editor in Chief K.T. (Tim) Cheng
Meritorious Service Award (2) For significant services as TTTC Vice Chair for four years Joan Figueras
Meritorious Service Award (3) For providing significant services as TTTC Group Chair Tutorial and Education for four years DimitrisGizopoulos Dimitris Gizopoulos
Meritorious Service Award (4) For significant services as TTTC Embedded Newsletter editor for more than five years Bruce Kim
Meritorious Service Award (5) For significant service as TTTC Test Week Coordinator for over five years Yervant Zorian
Meritorious Service Award (6) For serving the General Chair of International Workshop on Microprocessor Test and Verification for over five years Magdy Abadir
Meritorious Service Award (7) For serving International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics - AQTR, as General Chair for over five years Liviu Miclea
Meritorious Service Award (8) For significant services as General Chair of HOST-2008, Program Chair for DBT-2007 and Co-Program chair for DFT Mohammad Tehranipoor
Continuing Service Awards
Continuing Service Award (1) For serving International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics - AQTR, as General Chair for more than 3 years Ioan Stoian
Continuing Service Award (2) For serving International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics - AQTR Organizing Committee for more than 5 years Mihail Abrudean
Certificate of Appreciation
Certificate of Appreciation (1) For serving International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics - AQTR 2008 as Organizing Committee Szilard Enyedi
Certificate of Appreciation (2) For serving International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics - AQTR 2008 as Organizing Committee Paula Raica
Certificate of Appreciation (3) For serving as editor TTTC Electronic Broadcast system Yiorgos Makris
Certificate of Appreciation (4) For serving as chair IEEE P working group Robert Oshana
Certificate of Appreciation (5) For serving as chair IEEE P working group Doug Sprague
Certificate of Appreciation (6) For serving as chair IEEE 1581 working group Heiko Ehrenberg
Certificate of Appreciation (7) For serving as chair IEEE 1687 working group Ken Pose
Certificate of Appreciation (8) For serving as chair IEEE 1687 working group Alfred Crouch
Certificate of Appreciation (9) For serving as chair IEEE SJTAG task force Bradford van Treuren
Certificate of Appreciation (10) For serving as General Chair ETW 2008 MatteoSonza Reorda Matteo Sonza Reorda
Certificate of Appreciation (11) For serving as General Chair IMS3TW André Ivanov
Certificate of Appreciation (12) For serving as General Chair NDCS 2008 Fabrizio Lombardi
Certificate of Appreciation (13) For serving as General coChair DELTA 2008 Serge Demidenko
Certificate of Appreciation (14) For serving as General coChair DELTA 2008 Amine Bermak
Certificate of Appreciation (15) For serving as General CoChair of DBT 2007 Hans Manhaeve
Certificate of Appreciation (16) For serving as General CoChair of DBT 2007 Mehdi Tahoori
Certificate of Appreciation (17) For serving as General CoChair of ATS 2007 and TTTC Asian & Pacific Group Vice Chair Xiaowei Li
Certificate of Appreciation (18) For serving as General CoChair of ATS and WRTLT 2007 K.T. (Tim) Cheng
Certificate of Appreciation (19) For serving as General CoChair of WRTLT 2007 Peilin Song
Certificate of Appreciation (20) For serving as General Chair of HLDVT 2007 MichaelHsiao Michael Hsiao
Certificate of Appreciation (21) For serving as General Chair of ATE Vision workshop 2007 ErikVolkerink Erik Volkerink
Certificate of Appreciation (22) For serving as General Chair of DFM & Y workshop 2007 Yervant Zorian
Certificate of Appreciation (23) For serving as General Chair LATW 2008 Victor Champac
Certificate of Appreciation (24) For serving as General CoChair for SELSE 2008 Wendy Bartlett
Certificate of Appreciation (25) For serving as General CoChair for SELSE 2008 Babak Falsafi
Certificate of Appreciation (26) For serving as General Chair DDECS 2008 Michel Renovell
Certificate of Appreciation (27) For serving as General Chair for WTW 2008 Rob Aitken
Certificate of Appreciation (28) For serving as TTTC Asian & Pacific Group Vice Chair C.P.Ravikumar C.P. Ravikumar
Certificate of Appreciation (29) For serving as TTTC Asian & Pacific Group Vice Chair Adam OSSEIRAN
Certificate of Appreciation (30) For serving as TTTC Technical Meetings Group Vice Chair Nicola Nicolici
Certificate of Appreciation (31) For serving as Finance Chair of MTDT in 2005 and 2006 Chih-Tsun Huang
Certificate of Appreciation (32) For serving as Program Chair of the Silicon Debug & Diagnosis Workshop 2008 Bart Vermeulen
Certificate of Appreciation (33) For serving the IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop as General Chair in 2008 Nilanjan Mukherjee
Certificate of Appreciation (34) For serving the IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop as Vice Chair in 2008 Jennifer Dworak
Certificate of Appreciation (35) For serving the IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop as Program Chair in 2008 Nur Touba
Certificate of Appreciation (36) For serving the IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop as Publicity Chair in 2008 Abhijit Jas
Certificate of Appreciation (37) For serving the IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop as Finance Chair in 2008 Carl Barnhart
Thank You! Special thanks to everyone who contributed their time and effort to another successful IEEE ITC Test Week!