Adrian M Agius
UEMS-ORL document-content Introduction Definition of the specialty programme and of rhinology sub-specialist Requirements of training centre (volume of work and facilities) Selection and role of fellows-criteria 1 or 2 years?
UEMS-ORL document Role of Fellows Definition of programme director Outline of core curriculum Academic and Clinical aims of the programme Methods of programme evaluation Details on visitation of centres
Bibliography/journals Advanced log-book-definition of procedures, both non-surgical and surgical Certificate of completion of training UEMS-ORL document
European Rhinologic Society Accepted and supported the UEMS-ORL programme Suggested starting 2015, advertising for places in late 2014 Fellows selected by interview-Chairperson of ERS (Prof V Lund), representative of ERS, (C Georgalas), representative of UEMS (A Agius) 2 places, 6000 euro per annum-
European Rhinologic Society Broadly similar, adopting UEMS recommendations Some points of discussion: 1 year duration Age of fellow (<40 years, debate) 2 references (UEMS-3 references)