SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System: Security System and Infrtructure Security System and Infrastructure for Global Electronic Commerce SETECS System: Security System and Infrtructure Security System and Infrastructure for Global Electronic Commerce Sead Muftic Computer Science Department Stockholm University / Royal Institute of Technology Computer Science Department Stockholm University / Royal Institute of Technology se
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Document transactions
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Digital cash Digital cash Credit cards Credit cards Home banking Home banking Direct (EDI) Direct (EDI) Document transactions
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Digital cash Digital cash Credit cards Credit cards Home banking Home banking Direct (EDI) Direct (EDI) Document transactions Global System
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Digital cash Digital cash Credit cards Credit cards Home banking Home banking Direct (EDI) Direct (EDI) Document transactions 1. Security 2. Standardized 3. Functionality 4. Scaling 1. Security 2. Standardized 3. Functionality 4. Scaling
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Digital cash Digital cash Credit cards Credit cards Home banking Home banking Direct (EDI) Direct (EDI) Document transactions SE T
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Digital cash Digital cash Credit cards Credit cards Home banking Home banking Direct (EDI) Direct (EDI) Document transactions SETEC S
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approach: Secure transactions Secure financial transactions Digital cash Digital cash Credit cards Credit cards Home banking Home banking Direct (EDI) Direct (EDI) Document transactions SETEC S
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- Certification Infrastructure CA CA Bankcard association National CAs Regional CAs CA CA Root CA CA CA Issuer Bank Acquirer Bank Payment Gateways Cardholders Merchants
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- Components and Structure Corporate Consumers Corporate Consumers (E-malls) Payment Gateways Cardholders Merchants Open Internet Network Issuer Bank Shopping and payments Acquirer Bank Authorizations and captures
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- Functions SETECS Server Issuer Bank Registration and Certification Transactions Shopping, payments and inquiries Searching and locating Customers Registration Credit Cards Transactions
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- Server Structure Payment Gateway Server Cardholders Payment transactions Acquirer Bank Registration and certification Merchant’s Web Server Home Page (with SET buttons) Server’s Administration Registration, secure payments, inquiries Server’s Data Base Shopping, registration, secure payments and inquiries
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- Server SETECS Server Issuer Bank Server’s Administration Registration, secure payments, inquiries Server’s Data Base Registration and certification SETECS Server Cardholders Acquirer Bank Private Banking Network
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- SETECS Server Shopping, payments and inquiries Searching and locating Cardholders US Asian Australian
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System -- Certification System Consumers US ServerEuropean Server Asian Server Australian Server Top (Root) Server Corporations
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS Crypto modulesSmart cardCertification client Security Platform TCA PCA UCA HCA PCA UCA HCA App client App server SETECS System -- Protection of Documents
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System The Concept and Approcah: * * SETECS is the comprehensive global system for secure transactions in electronic commerce * * SETECS supports secure payment transactions based on credit cards * SETECS extends secure credit card payments with additional secure payment transactions based on other forms of payments : invoices, checks, subscriptions *SETECS also provides international infrastructure for secure shopping, registration and certification *The system may be used for open networks (Internet shopping) and also for internal, corporate electronic commerce systems * * SETECS is the comprehensive global system for secure transactions in electronic commerce * * SETECS supports secure payment transactions based on credit cards * SETECS extends secure credit card payments with additional secure payment transactions based on other forms of payments : invoices, checks, subscriptions *SETECS also provides international infrastructure for secure shopping, registration and certification *The system may be used for open networks (Internet shopping) and also for internal, corporate electronic commerce systems
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System Conclusions : * * Five components: Server, Server, Server and Server * International certification infrastructure for secure payments and electronic commerce transactions * International system of shopping malls with easy merchants’ registration and cardholders access *Flexible components for various environments, payments and certification policies *Security technologies suitable for modifications, extensions and customizations * * Five components: Server, Server, Server and Server * International certification infrastructure for secure payments and electronic commerce transactions * International system of shopping malls with easy merchants’ registration and cardholders access *Flexible components for various environments, payments and certification policies *Security technologies suitable for modifications, extensions and customizations
SETECS System June 1999 SETECS SETECS System: Security System and Infrtructure Security System and Infrastructure for Global Electronic Commerce SETECS System: Security System and Infrtructure Security System and Infrastructure for Global Electronic Commerce Sead Muftic se