Unit 10 – Web Authoring Web Authoring – Qatar Tourism Lesson 5 & 6
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Starter 1 – Discussion What are hyperlinks? Why do websites have hyperlinks? What is usability and why is very important to take into consideration when designing a website. Hyperlink for homepage
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Starter 2 - Discussion What type of content would you include on each page? Remember the purpose of the website is to promote tourism in Qatar. Homepage: Background information on Qatar
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Lesson 3 & 4 Overview Objectives Understanding the purpose of hyperlinks on a websites Understand the need for having appropriate content which is fit for purpose and the target audience. Overview The Qatar Tourism Authority have approached you to create a new website to promote tourism to the country. The website will have to include appropriate information on the following topics: About Qatar Activities Entertainment Shopping
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Lesson 3 & 4 Outcomes OutcomesTime Task 1 You will create new pages: Homepage – Already done Entertainment Activities Shopping Task 2 You will hyperlink each button Task 3 You will import some content into the homepage Extension Create a different advert for each page Homework Gather content for each page on a Word Document.
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Task 1 & 2 Create new pages and Hyperlinking Task 1: Create new Pages (file save as) Homepage - Done Entertainment Activities Shopping Task 2: Open each page and create hyperlinks. Refer to the video tutorials Hyperlink for homepage
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Task 3 Importing content Import content into homepage – refer to homework task. Make sure you include information about Qatar. Refer to the video tutorials You can create additional pages for the Entertainment, Activities and shopping pages if you need more space.
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Extension Creating an advert Create an advert for each page. Remember each advert will be created in Adobe Fireworks. Advert Requirements: Size: Width – 170, Height – 400 Include appropriate text and images to promote the event. Include at least 5 states Export into Adobe Dreamweaver as animated gif. Save the original File Fireworks File Refer to the video tutorials
Unit 10 – Web Authoring Plenary – Refer to the Lesson Objectives Plenary Task (Q&A) Peer Assess each others work and suggest possible improvements. Discuss the levels pupils have achieved for this task. Objectives Understanding the purpose of hyperlinks on a websites Understand the need for having appropriate content which is fit for purpose and the target audience.