Safeguarding children abused through Domestic Violence: The Barnet Experience Helen Elliott LSCB Development Officer
The Story so Far…… Pilot launch multi-agency practitioners trained 25 social workers core assessment Evaluation May 2007 : Early Days!
And then to follow…. Mentoring Further multi-agency training Refresher SW training Managers training
What has helped Ownership at a strategic level across LSCB and DV partnerships Prioritisation in LSCB workplan Senior Management champion Alignment with CAF Managers role in supervision Multi-Agency Practice Group
Making a Difference? Increased awareness and identification of DV Integration into ICS ( but still more to do) Practitioner skill and confidence improved Increase in direct work with children Expanded role for prevention work
Moving Forward ICS processes Data collection Assessing impact Training Gaps in services ( perpetrators) Ownership across all agencies Money well spent!
Experience from the front line: Lauren Scordilis, Senior Practitioner
Case Study: The G Family 3 children aged 5,3 and 2 subject to CP plan Parental issues include substance misuse, offending, possible mental health Pattern of DV includes weapons, physical violence, attempts to strangle
Applying the model in practice Use of threshold scales Victims questionnaire Assessing risk to children, impact on parenting, protective factors Use of perpetrator interview Safety planning with children
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