Genius Time Passion Based Learning in Room 5 Created for Room 5 by Jared Stein Based on the educational research of A.J Juliani and Angela Maiers
The How To Guide This is a guide to give students, parents and teachers an understanding of the process of Genius Time, the passion based learning strategy being piloted in Room 5. All Genius Time products, related learning goals and passion based learning as a whole is based on each member of the class using their ‘Habitudes’. They will be successful when their passion driven learning has its foundations firmly rooted in….
The Habitudes Imagination Curiosity Courageousness Perseverance Adaptability Self-Awareness With the habitudes at the fore of their learning the next step is ……
Choosing the Project Advice: Choose a project that is new to you, something you normally wouldn’t do in any other class. You get to choose something you are passionate about Remember, your success will suffer if you do not sincerely pursue an interest of yours.
A Driving Question You need to have a ‘driving question’. You will have to be able to communicate what you want to learn about. If you can go out and find the answer on Google with a quick search then the question will need to be rethought out.
Research The project must involve research. If you want to be a model rocket that goes 200 miles into the air then you must provide the resources for the project. You must have Genius Time project work to do at school during the time given. If possible, as part of your research, find a mentor who maybe able to help you.
Blog, Blog and Blog Again You must blog frequently about your project. Keeping track of successes, problems, research and your thoughts on the project. The blog acts as a diary of your learning.
Product or Learning Goal At the conclusion of your Genius Time project you must have achieved a learning goal or produced a product.
Shared The project must be shared. Ideally the project needs to be shared not only with the class but with the entire world.
What do you need to do now? You need to present your project to the class. You need to: Create a professional looking presentation of your choice using ICT Explain what your project is Explain the purpose of it Indicate who your audience is Set out your goals so that both yourself and the class can measure your progress Present an indicative timeline of the project Explain what resources you will need Explain what your final product or learning goal is Present when you believe you are prepared
After the Presentation Research: You’re able to get fully into your project now and start some intensive research into your passion based project for Genius Time. Share: At this point you must be blogging at least once a week about your learning journey. Your first blog post must discuss the following: Answer: What are your goals for this project? Answer: How will you measure your progress? All following blog posts must discuss your progress, discoveries and setbacks. Answer: What have you learned about your topic? Answer: What have you learned about yourself? Answer: Where do you go from here? Include pictures, graphs, charts videos, links and other forms of media to help inform your readers. Write with your own voice. Do not be afraid to be casual and entertaining. Comments: Due with each blog post are at least 2 comments on other students’ blogs. Comment with advice, questions and insights on other blog posts. Be generous with your comments; aim to help other students.
Final Presentation Once you have worked your way through your passion based project then you will need present it. Write, design and perform a meaningful TED Talk Include a creative and supplemental visual presentation You, not the visuals, should drive the talk Suggested Content Inspire the audience with your passion for the pursued activity Explain the process and explain the products of your project Talk about your purpose or what the audience should learn from your project Include a meaningful takeaway; a TED-esque message Suggested Organization A hook Transitions A logical order to your main points And an effective conclusion
Final Presentation The delivery of your project must be poised, refined and enthusiastic. Keep it to 4 to 5 minutes in length Dream big time Strive to create the best talk you have ever given Make the complex plain Don’t try to dazzle intellectually Connect with peoples emotions. Make us laugh! Make us cry! Feel free to comment on other peoples talks. Controversy energizes! Rehearse your talk in front of a friend for clarity, timing, and impact. Show us the real you. Be vulnerable. Don’t aunt flaunt your ego. Don’t read your talk, notes are fine. End you talk on time
What next? You decide on a way that you can share your project with the world.
What’s the final step? Simple! Start the process again. Find you next passion and follow it!
Please forward any comment or questions to Jared Stein at