US History Core 100, Goal 12 The United States since the Vietnam War (1973-present) The learner will identify and analyze trends in domestic and foreign affairs of the United States during this time period.
1979, Jimmy Carter’s presidency 1979, Jimmy Carter’s presidency Treaty signed between Egypt (Anwar Saddat) and Israel (Menachem Begin) (these two nations had been enemies for decades) Treaty signed between Egypt (Anwar Saddat) and Israel (Menachem Begin) (these two nations had been enemies for decades) First step to achieving peace in the Middle East First step to achieving peace in the Middle East U.S. is strong supporter of Israel U.S. is strong supporter of Israel
Yom Kippur War Yom Kippur War Lebanon: Peace keeping force Lebanon: Peace keeping force U.S. Marine barracks attacked by terrorists U.S. Marine barracks attacked by terrorists Saddam Hussein Saddam Hussein Persian Gulf War Persian Gulf War OIL OIL U.S. supports Israel – unpopular w/ Arab countries U.S. supports Israel – unpopular w/ Arab countries
Mikhail Gorbachev Mikhail Gorbachev Fall of the Berlin Wall Fall of the Berlin Wall Arms Race Arms Race SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars) Iron Curtain falls Iron Curtain falls U.S. left as sole superpower U.S. left as sole superpower New World Order: world is less stable since the Cold War New World Order: world is less stable since the Cold War Cold War over?? Cold War over??
November 1979, revolutionaries led by Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran stormed the American embassy and took 52 Americans hostage due to U.S. support of Shah November 1979, revolutionaries led by Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran stormed the American embassy and took 52 Americans hostage due to U.S. support of Shah Carter’s administration tried unsuccessfully to negotiate for the hostages’ release Carter’s administration tried unsuccessfully to negotiate for the hostages’ release April 1980, rescue mission fails to get hostages April 1980, rescue mission fails to get hostages January 20, 1981, the day Carter left office, Iran released the Americans (444 days in captivity) January 20, 1981, the day Carter left office, Iran released the Americans (444 days in captivity)
Prohibitied federally funded schools from discriminating against women in nearly all aspects of its operations Prohibitied federally funded schools from discriminating against women in nearly all aspects of its operations Admissions to Athletics Admissions to Athletics Female sports programs and participation increase Female sports programs and participation increase
Supply-side economics: believe that high taxes took too much money away from investors; if taxes were cut, businesses and investors could use their extra capital to make new investments Supply-side economics: believe that high taxes took too much money away from investors; if taxes were cut, businesses and investors could use their extra capital to make new investments Trickle-down economics Trickle-down economics Critics believed that Reagan’s policy would only help the wealthy Critics believed that Reagan’s policy would only help the wealthy
Reagan Doctrine: wants to defeat Communism; not contain it – “evil” empire Reagan Doctrine: wants to defeat Communism; not contain it – “evil” empire Star Wars, SDI, Aids guerilla groups in fighting against leftist gov’ts Star Wars, SDI, Aids guerilla groups in fighting against leftist gov’ts Granada Granada Iran Contra Affair: secretly sells weapons to Iran and sends money to contras in Nicaragua Iran Contra Affair: secretly sells weapons to Iran and sends money to contras in Nicaragua INF Treaty: Reduces nuclear weapons INF Treaty: Reduces nuclear weapons
1980s and 1990s Domestic Concerns Foreign Debt Foreign Debt AIDS AIDS Gay Rights Movement Gay Rights Movement Graying of America: baby boomers reaching retirement Graying of America: baby boomers reaching retirement War on Drugs War on Drugs No Child Left Behind No Child Left Behind Illegal immigrants Illegal immigrants Space Industry Set-backs: Space Industry Set-backs: Challenger Explodes (1986) Challenger Explodes (1986) Columbia Explodes Columbia Explodes
1980s and 1990s World Events Tiananmen Square (China) Tiananmen Square (China) Saddam Hussein (Iraq) Saddam Hussein (Iraq) Nelson Mandela (South Africa) Nelson Mandela (South Africa) Famine (Somalia and Ethiopia) Famine (Somalia and Ethiopia) Bosnian Conflict Bosnian Conflict
1994, Bill Clinton 1994, Bill Clinton North American Free Trade Agreement North American Free Trade Agreement Joined Canada, United States, and Mexico in a free-trade zone Joined Canada, United States, and Mexico in a free-trade zone Exports of American goods to Canada and Mexico rose dramatically Exports of American goods to Canada and Mexico rose dramatically Export of manufacturing jobs (outsourcing) Export of manufacturing jobs (outsourcing) “Globalization” “Globalization”
Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania Accident at a Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania Fear of fallout Fear of fallout Limits nuclear energy Limits nuclear energy
Sept. 11, 2001 Sept. 11, 2001 Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Terrorists attacked the World Trade Center and the Pentagon Killed 3,000 Americans Killed 3,000 Americans Al Qaeda Al Qaeda Osama bin Laden Osama bin Laden Department of Homeland Security Department of Homeland Security Patriot Act: security vs. liberty Patriot Act: security vs. liberty Airport Security Airport Security
Post 9/11 Foreign Policy Bush Doctrine: preemptive war Bush Doctrine: preemptive war Axis of Evil: Iraq, Iran, and North Korea Axis of Evil: Iraq, Iran, and North Korea Afghanistan: overthrow Taliban; base for Al Qaeda Afghanistan: overthrow Taliban; base for Al Qaeda War on Iraq: weapons of mass destruction - none War on Iraq: weapons of mass destruction - none
Enforced through executive orders and federal policies Enforced through executive orders and federal policies Called for companies, schools, and institutions doing business with the federal government to recruit African Americans with the hope that this would lead to improved social and economic status Called for companies, schools, and institutions doing business with the federal government to recruit African Americans with the hope that this would lead to improved social and economic status Later expanded to include other minority groups and women Later expanded to include other minority groups and women Controversial – reverse discrimination Controversial – reverse discrimination
1970’s Economy Stagflation Stagflation WIN: Whip Inflation Now (Ford’s program) WIN: Whip Inflation Now (Ford’s program) OPEC – oil embargo for nations supporting Israel (1973) OPEC – oil embargo for nations supporting Israel (1973) Energy Crisis – Carter encouraged voluntary conservation Energy Crisis – Carter encouraged voluntary conservation
Court Cases Regents v. Bakke: Reverse discrimination is unconstitutional Quotas not permitted Upheld affirmative action Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools: busing is legal Texas v. Johnson: Can burn America flag Protected under 1 st Amendment
Minorities in America Bilingual Education: controversial Bilingual Education: controversial English Only Movement English Only Movement Green Card Green Card Immigration Policy Act: # of immigrants limited Immigration Policy Act: # of immigrants limited Increase in Hispanic immigration in the U.S. (Hispanics are #1 minority now) Increase in Hispanic immigration in the U.S. (Hispanics are #1 minority now) Increase in legal and illegal immigration Increase in legal and illegal immigration
Technology Computer Revolution Computer Revolution Internet Internet Bill Gates Bill Gates Silicon Valley Silicon Valley.Com bubble and bust.Com bubble and bust
Political Personalities 1980s - Today Ross Perot Ross Perot Bill Clinton Bill Clinton Al Gore Al Gore Newt Gingrich Newt Gingrich Joe Lieberman Joe Lieberman John McCain John McCain Colin Powell Colin Powell Barack Obama Barack Obama