Tri-borough Safeguarding The Hammersmith and Fulham, Kensington and Chelsea and Westminster Experience Jean Daintith, Independent Chair LSCB Andrew Christie, Tri-borough Executive Director of Children’s Services Kate Singleton, Head of Combined Safeguarding, Review and Quality Assurance Tim Deacon, LSCB Manager Nicky Brownjohn, Designated Nurse for Safeguarding DI Jim Wingrave, Central Child Abuse Investigation Team 10th December 2012
Some context (1) Child population (provisional 2011 Census data) LBHF RBKC WCC Tri-B Child population (provisional 2011 Census data) 36,000 29,800 41,000 106,800 Children in need (as at 31st March 2012) 1,268 1,056 2,158 4,482 Children subject to CP plans (as at 30th September 2012) 144 85 95 324 LAC numbers (as at 30th September 2012 233 127 200 560 Some examples of visions and values already: Libraries: xxx residents being able to access any one of xxx libraries. Summer in the City: 200 activities available to thousands of families in central and west london. Proposed youth summit next March bringing young people together to discuss what they want from their local area and what they can do to help.
Some context (2) Numbers in 3B schools (albeit not necessarily resident) as at January 2012 school census LBHF RBKC WCC Tri-B Nursery: maintained 313 254 258 825 Primary: State-funded 10,289 7,256 11,611 29,156 Secondary: State-funded 7,615 4,040 9,503 21,158 Special: State-funded 339 161 142 642 Special: non-maintained 44 Pupil referral units 134 25 42 201 Independent 6,557 12,880 8,323 27,760 All schools 25,291 24,616 29,879 79,786 SUGGESTED TOPIC: Structure chart for where you and your team fit into the new Tri-borough structure % of school population in independent schools 26% 52% 28% 35%
Initial Impressions : Impact on Health Nicky Brownjohn Tri-borough LSCB Initial Impressions : Impact on Health Nicky Brownjohn
Improved Co-ordination
Collaborative Learning Strength of evidence from cases shared between boroughs Consistency of LSCB messages for providers of health services across multiple boroughs Learning continuum Opportunity to influence other tri-borough work e.g maternity DV project
Increased opportunities for partnership working
Lessons and challenges Inheriting three legacies Large Board Agreeing our priorities Capacity and resources Relationships across partnerships Making an impact, using influence Future plans