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Zaher was born Oct. 15, 1914, in Kabul, Afg. He died July 23, 2007, Kabul Zaher was the king of Afg. From Was know for the stable Government he provided in his reign as king of Afg. At the age of 19 Zaher took the throne of Afg. after his fathers assassination in November of 1933 (Britannia Encyclopedia)
Zaher worked in the shadows and allowed his relatives to control the Gov. until he made a constitution in 1964 banning relatives from all political offices and established a constitutional monarchy Around this time the country had stabilized to an extent and he used his remaining years to advance his country economy (Britannica Encyclopedia)
For the remainder of his years as the king of Afg. Zaher undertook multiple economic development projects to help better his country Irrigation, road contraction and highway construction programs where undertook widely. The funding was mostly foreign aid despite this Zaher maintained Afg. neutrality (Britannica Encyclopedia)
Prince Daoud was born on July 18 th, 1909 and died April 28 th, 1978 He preformed a bloodless coup in 1973 were he seized control of the government Created the republic of Afg. and became the first president (Khaana Press) Background of Prince Daoud
“Daud was known for his progressive policies, especially in relation to the rights of women, for initiating two five-year modernization plans” (Khaana Press) Was assassinated in 1978 in the Saur Revolution which was led by the Communist People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan or PDPA (Khaana Press) Background continued
Prince Daoud received his funding for his revolt from the Soviet Union Directly after the coup to the point of his death he was arming the Afg. armies with advanced Soviet weapons to account for the massive weapon build up in both Pakistan and Iran (Khaana Press) He continued to receive funding until the Saur Revolution were the Soviet Union attempted to take control of Afg. Connections
The government that Prince Daoud had made was backed by the Loya Jirga which is a type of assembly to make decisions. This type of backing allowed Prince Daoud to pay his respects to his connections in the Soviet Union by offering them seats to participate in his government. While still being able to run his country in his and his peoples views. Backing
The impact of the Shah conflict for many Afghanis marked the end of peace in the country. The country has not seen sustained peace sense the rule of Zaher. A split in the people also occurred their were many individual parties who had all been able to get along under king Zaher but used the opportunity of the new government to spring forward. The most easily recognizable are the Communist and the body of the Afghani people which held most power in the Loya Jirga a type self govern party, which sought to stay independent of other nations (global security) Impact
The communist party in the Afg. government were all funded and supported by the Soviet Union Their goal was to create a government and economy relying on the Soviet Union for stability. They also wanted the government of Afg. to be a Soviet asset to help them have more control over international trade. Leadership Communist party
This party in the Afg. government sought to rid the country of most external influence and to stay either a type of democratic republic or return to the heir of Shah’s This party made up most of the Afg. population and include the president Prince Daoud Leadership Self Govern Party
" Military." Afghanistan: History Of 1973 Coup Sheds Light On Relations With Pakistan. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb "Mohammad Daud Khan." Khaama Press KP Afghan Online Newspaper RSS. N.p., 01 Mar Web. 28 Feb "Mohammad Zahir Shah (king of Afghanistan)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 28 Feb Work Cited