1 Exploit Interactive: The Development of a Web Magazine Bernadette Daly Information Officer UKOLN University of BathURL Bath, BA2 7AY UKOLN is funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, the Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC’s Electronic Libraries Programme and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath where it is based.
2 Contents Introduction Who are We? Ariadne Web Magazine, Ariadne: Problems, New Experience, What is Exploit Interactive? When & Where? Magazine Overview Infrastructure & Design Delivery & Functionality (technology specifications, MS Site Server 3.0, functionality, searching, metadata, additional functionality) Content Production (software used, guidelines, content & style, crossword) Challenges
3 Who are we? UKOLN is: UK Office for Library & Information Networking Provides awareness, research and information services This includes: metadata, distributed systems, Web & Interoperability Focus posts, Ariadne Exploit Interactive Team: 5 people (3 involved on a regular basis) Editorial /Content Production /Systems Support Infrastructure and Design (external consultant)
4 Ariadne Web Magazine Ariadne: Parallel print / web publication Launched January 1996 Funded under the Electronic Libraries Programme Now on issue user sessions per month URL:
5 Ariadne: Problems 1. Article Submission: –Via (little automated processing carried out) –Receive files mostly in WORD, RTF (conversion) 2. Article Processing: –Using simple authoring tools –No systematic management possible Web Server Used for Ariadne: –Standard Apache server (UNIX) with SSI for metadata inclusion
6 New Experience We are interested in: Gaining experience using NT Making use of widely available software Reasons: Evaluate use of such solutions See if they can be used without being drawn into proprietary practices Making comparisons with UNIX solution
7 What is Exploit Interactive? A Pan-European web magazine for the Library and Information / Networking professional A forum for dissemination for EU Telematics for Libraries projects and users of deliverables
8 When and Where? Issue 1: Available April 1999 Frequency: every 3 months 7 issues URL: The URL:
10 Infrastructure & Design Simple Interface Easily navigable and downloads quickly External consultant used (ILRT) Dynamic Delivery Uses Microsoft Active Server Pages Serves content together with header/footer Software Used Adobe Illustrator 7.0, Adobe Photoshop 5.0 INFRASTRUCTURE & DESIGN
11 Delivery & Functionality The following technologies will be used: Windows NT 4 server: with IIS 4.0 (Internet Information Server) Microsoft Site Server 3.0 software Web management system providing a suite of tools; used in conjunction with the IIS server. Provides a shrink-wrapped solution for delivering interactive features & services. DELIVERY & FUNCTIONALITY
12 Microsoft Site Server 3.0 The following features and services may be added over the life of the magazine: Personalisation & Membership: Web view based on stored user preferences delivery of targeted content via (e.g. updates, table of contents) DELIVERY & FUNCTIONALITY
13 Functionality The magazine will include: Browsing of current & past content Searching (using MS Site Server facility) Online feedback to articles Virtual meeting place for real-time feedback Language negotiation (limited) Support for visually impaired and other disabled readers DELIVERY & FUNCTIONALITY
14 Searching Using MS Site Server's indexing tool Search for articles: –about project PRIDE –by John Smith –Restrict searches to the Features section DELIVERY & FUNCTIONALITY
15 Metadata Metadata will be used: Resource discovery metadata (Dublin Core) Admin metadata (e.g. DeleteBy, ReviewBy) Auditing metadata (project and section category) Evaluating deployment of applications to: Automate notification for admin procedures Process by search engine Automatically flag obsolete articles DELIVERY & FUNCTIONALITY
16 Additional Functionality Author Upload Centre to enable contributors to upload files (articles, graphics) using a web browser (MS HotMail model) author to supply relevant metadata Language negotiation to provide automatic delivery of pages available in additional European languages (at a later date) language metadata to support searching DELIVERY & FUNCTIONALITY
17 Content Production 1. Commissioning & Liaison: Telematics for Libraries community Commercial organisations (sub-contractors) Various subject experts 2. Administrative/Editorial Responsibilities 3. Content Mark-up/Conversion: MS FrontPage 98 (using purpose-built templates for HTML fragments) CONTENT PRODUCTION
18 Software used 4. Site & Content Administration: MS Visual InterDev 6.0 MS Site Server 3.0 (suite of tools) 5. Further Content Development: Centron Internet Crossword Creator 3.0 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 (graphics) Paint Shop Pro 4.0 (e.g. screen captures) CONTENT PRODUCTION
19 Guidelines Authors: Content coverage and writing style, editorial and document flow processes. Editors: Definition of editorial processes Advisory Group and Editorial Board: Role and responsibilities (international input) CONTENT PRODUCTION
20 Content and Style Feature Articles, Regular Columns, Et cetera: Updates/explanations of technological developments Discussion of challenges in Telematics Projects Organisational profiles of partners/sub-contractors to Library community (Fifth Framework Partners?) European news, events, job postings
21 Interactive Crossword Puzzle Software Centron Internet Crossword Creator 3.0 Crossword building programme with Applet converter Java Applet Electronic counterpart to the familiar crossword puzzle Reiterates key words and phrases from articles Adds a little fun
22 Challenges ChallengeComment Appropriate contentAvoiding simple publicity QualityIncluding writing style Minimising editorial roleEsp. for non-English speakers CoverageFull coverage of projects Too much content!Personalised views? Document conversionImposed document structure Proprietary practices Site Server (catalogue: won’t accept Dublin Core full stop in metadata) Style Sheets Problems when using Netscape Being readEnsuring magazine is read The audienceRead by right people CoverageEurope and CEE countries
23 Related Article Launching an Electronic Magazine: an overview of value-added features and services URL:
24 Thank you Enjoy the Conference