Safeguarding and Family Support : Effective commissioning from the Third Sector
Family Action Provider of services to families since 1869 Over 100 services in 8 LG regions individuals /families supported Families with complex needs Young Carers Adults with mental health problems Grants services
Haringey Family support to Connolly family Commissioned by Supporting People as part of a borough wide tenancy support service ( HARTS ) since 2003
Authoritative Practice 1 To be effective, professionals working in the field of child protection have to be authoritatively Authoritative practitioners understand the need for challenge and are confident in the face of the facts Authoritative practitioners share information appropriately
Authoritative Practice 2 Authoritative practitioners contribute effectively to assessments, conferences and core groups An authoritative child protection plan is not a list of concerns; it clearly identifies risk, response and desired outcome Authoritative practice follows through when response/outcome does not happen
Effective commissioning 1 The need to think strategically Governance Review and audit Standards, policies and procedures Assessment of risk Safeguarding Manager /Designated lead
Neglect Training and development Induction process Supervision and appraisal Sharing and promoting good practice Outcome measurement Section 11 reviews Effective commissioning 2
Effective commissioning 3 Qualifications,skills and knowledge Partnership working Effective management Challenge
Some key issues Professional authority Good communication and information sharing :Safeguarding as a relay race Clarity of roles and responsibilities What outcomes are we looking for ? How joined up are services in your area ?