Kashif Bashir Chapter 7 Transmission Media
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.1 Transmission medium and physical layer
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.2 Classes of transmission media
Kashif Bashir Guided Media Twisted-Pair Cable Coaxial Cable Fiber-Optic Cable
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.3 Twisted-pair cable
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.4 UTP and STP
Kashif Bashir Table 7.1 Categories of unshielded twisted-pair cables CategoryBandwidthData RateDigital/AnalogUse 1very low< 100 kbpsAnalogTelephone 2 < 2 MHz2 MbpsAnalog/digitalT-1 lines 3 16 MHz 10 MbpsDigitalLANs 4 20 MHz 20 MbpsDigitalLANs MHz 100 MbpsDigitalLANs 6 (draft) 200 MHz 200 MbpsDigitalLANs 7 (draft) 600 MHz 600 MbpsDigitalLANs
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.5 UTP connector
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.6 UTP performance
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.7 Coaxial cable
Kashif Bashir Table 7.2 Categories of coaxial cables CategoryImpedanceUse RG Cable TV RG Thin Ethernet RG Thick Ethernet
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.8 BNC connectors
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.9 Coaxial cable performance
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.10 Bending of light ray
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.11 Optical fiber
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.12 Propagation modes
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.13 Modes
Kashif Bashir Table 7.3 Fiber types TypeCoreCladdingMode 50/ Multimode, graded-index 62.5/ Multimode, graded-index 100/ Multimode, graded-index 7/ Single-mode
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.14 Fiber construction
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.15 Fiber-optic cable connectors
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.16 Optical fiber performance
Kashif Bashir Unguided Media: Wireless Radio Waves Microwaves Infrared
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.17 Electromagnetic spectrum for wireless communication
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.18 Propagation methods
Kashif Bashir Table 7.4 Bands BandRangePropagationApplication VLF3–30 KHzGroundLong-range radio navigation LF30–300 KHzGround Radio beacons and navigational locators MF300 KHz–3 MHzSkyAM radio HF3–30 MHzSky Citizens band (CB), ship/aircraft communication VHF30–300 MHz Sky and line-of-sight VHF TV, FM radio UHF300 MHz–3 GHzLine-of-sight UHF TV, cellular phones, paging, satellite SHF3–30 GHzLine-of-sightSatellite communication EHF30–300 GHzLine-of-sightLong-range radio navigation
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.19 Wireless transmission waves
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.20 Omnidirectional antennas
Kashif Bashir Radio waves are used for multicast communications, such as radio and television, and paging systems. Note:
Kashif Bashir Figure 7.21 Unidirectional antennas
Kashif Bashir Microwaves are used for unicast communication such as cellular telephones, satellite networks, and wireless LANs. Note:
Kashif Bashir Infrared signals can be used for short- range communication in a closed area using line-of-sight propagation. Note: