Founder of Islam Muhammad born in Mecca in 570. He was a shepherd for Bedouins. Later he became a merchant.
While meditating in a cave, he was visited by the angel Gabriel. He was called to be a messenger of God.
Muhammad devoted the rest of his life to spreading Islam and following Allah. Muhammad left on hijra to Yathrib in 622.
Spreading of Islam Began to attack Meccan caravans. 630- Muhammad triumphed in Mecca. 632- Muhammad died.
Beliefs Monotheistic Allah is all powerful and compassionate. Do not recognize priests as mediators.
Five Pillars of Faith 1) Declaration of faith- Only one God and Muhammad is his prophet. 2) Daily Prayer- Pray in mosques five times a day facing Mecca. 3) Give to the Poor. 4) Fast from sunrise to sunset during the holy month of Ramadan. 5) Make Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life. Journey is an effort to achieve Jihad- an effort in God’s service.
Quran Sacred word of God revealed to Muhammad. Final authority on all matters. Written in Arabic, because it is the direct, unchangeable word of Allah.
Sharia System of law that regulates moral conduct, family life, business practices, and government. Doesn’t separate religious matters from civil law.
Women Equal spiritual equality with men. Had different roles and inheritances.
Spread of Islam Caliph- Successor to Muhammad. Caliphate ruled from 600’s to 900’s. Abu Bakr conquered parts of the Byzantine Empire, Persian Empire, Egypt, and Spain through uniting Muslims.
Lands Conquered Middle East- 600’s Began to fight North Africa, but later joined forces against Spain in early 700’s. Indus Valley taken over in 700’s Seljuk Turks created an empire in India.
Reasons For Success Arabs were strong fighters, on cavalry and horses. Byzantine and Persian Empires were weak. United by their belief in Islam. Treated conquered peoples fairly.
Divisions Within Islam Sunni Caliph should be chosen by Muslim leaders. 90% of Muslims. Shiite Caliph should only be descendents of Muhammad. Believe they have to be divinely inspired.
Umayyad Dynasty Moved the capital to Damascus. Adapted to large cities, using Byzantine and Persian traditions. Tensions developed between the rich and poor, and Muslim and non Arab Muslims.
Abbassid Dynasty Abu al-Abbas captured Damascus in 750. Made Islam a universal religion. Baghdad was made new capital. Declined in 850, allowing converted Seljuk Turks to build empire.
Golden Age of Islam Social mobility Slavery was common Could buy their freedom. Female slave who married owner became free. Most were household servants. Trading network brought Arabic numerals, common language, and Islam to other places.
Art Architects influenced by Byzantine domes. Skilled in calligraphy. Nonreligious art portrayed animal or human figures. Minaret- slender tower of mosque.
Literature Poetry written for praise, love, or based on holy book. Storytellers adapted tales from past cultures. Averrioes- influenced Christian scholars with philosophical writings.
Math and Science Advances in Algebra. Developed astronomical tables. Medicine- set up hospitals, books on diseases were standard texts in Europe later.
Economic Achievements Built a large trading culture that spread culture. Formed banks to exchange currency. Guilds organized to regulate prices and product quality. Grew sugarcane, cotton, medicinal herbs, fruits, and vegetables.
Mix With Christianity Spain- The Moors encouraged the arts and education, and continued toleration. Sicily- Effective government and growth of economy. Gradually influences Christian Europe.
The Delhi Sultunate Delhi was the capital of India, defeating Hindu armies. Brought in Greek and Persian influences. 1398- Tamerlane invaded, creating Muslim and Hindu states in the North.
Mughal Dynasty 1526-1857 Babur took control of India. Akbar the Great created a central government and tolerated Hindus. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal for his wife.
The Ottoman Empire Muhammad II took over Constantinople in 1453. Suleiman extended rule westward to North Africa.
Homework Research these aspects of the belief system that your row is assigned. Highlight the information or write it on another piece of paper. the origin key beliefs cultural significance