Effect Size Estimation in Fixed Factors Between- Groups Anova
Contrast Review Concerns design with a single factor A with a 2 levels (conditions) The omnibus comparison concerns all levels (i.e., df A > 2) A focused comparison or contrast concerns just two levels (i.e.,df = 1) The omnibus effect is often relatively uninteresting compared with specific contrasts (e.g., treatment 1 vs. placebo control) A large omnibus effect can also be misleading if due to a single discrepant mean that is not of substantive interest
Comparing Groups Traditional approach is to analyze the omnibus effect followed by analysis of all possible pairwise contrasts (i.e. compare each condition to every other condition) However, this approach is typically incorrect (Wilkinson & TFSI,1999)—for example, it is rare that all such contrasts are interesting Also, use of traditional methods for post hoc comparisons (e.g. Newman-Keuls) reduces power for every contrast, and power may already be low
Contrast specification and tests A contrast is a directional effect that corresponds to a particular facet of the omnibus effect often represented with the symbol y for a population or yˆ for a sample a weighted sum of means In a sample, a contrast is calculated as: a 1, a 2,..., a j is the set of weights that specifies the contrast As we have mentioned Contrast weights must sum to zero and weights for at least two different means should not equal zero Means assigned a weight of zero are excluded from the contrast Means with positive weights are compared with means given negative weights
Contrast specification and tests For effect size estimation with the d family, we generally want a standard set of contrast weights In a one-way design, the sum of the absolute values of the weights in a standard set equals two (i.e., ∑| a j | = 2.0) Mean difference scaling permits the interpretation of a contrast as the difference between the averages of two subsets of means
Contrast specification and tests An exception to the need for mean difference scaling is for trends (polynomials) specified for a quantitative factor (e.g., drug dosage) There are default sets of weights that define trend components (e.g. linear, quadratic, etc.) that are not typically based on mean difference scaling Not usually a problem because effect size for trends is generally estimated with the r family (measures of association) Measures of association for contrasts of any kind generally correct for the scale of the contrast weights
Orthogonal Contrasts Two contrasts are orthogonal if they each reflect an independent aspect of the omnibus effect For balanced designs and unbalanced designs (latter)
Orthogonal Contrasts The maximum number of orthogonal contrasts is df A = a − 1 For a set of all possible orthogonal pairwise contrasts, the SS A = the total SS from the contrasts, and their eta-squares will sum to the SS A eta-square That is, the omnibus effect can be broken down into a − 1 independent directional effects However, it is more important to analyze contrasts of substantive interest even if they are not orthogonal
Contrast specification and tests t-test for a contrast against the nil hypothesis The F is
Dependent Means Test statistics for dependent mean contrasts usually have error terms based on only the two conditions compared— for example: s 2 here refers to the variance of the contrast difference scores This error terms do not assume sphericity, which we’ll talk about more with repeated measures design
Confidence Intervals Approximate confidence intervals for contrasts are generally fine The general form of an individual confidence interval for Ψ is: df error is specific to that contrast
Contrast specification and tests There are also corrected confidence intervals for contrasts that adjust for multiple comparisons (i.e., inflated Type I error) Known as simultaneous or joint confidence intervals Their widths are generally wider compared with individual confidence intervals because they are based on a more conservative critical value Program for correcting au/research/resources/psy program.html au/research/resources/psy program.html
Standardized contrasts The general form for standardized contrasts (in terms of population parameters)
Standardized contrasts There are three general ways to estimate σ (i.e., the standardizer) for contrasts between independent means: 1. Calculate d as Glass’s Δ i.e., use the standard deviation of the control group 2. Calculate d as Hedge’s g i.e., use the square root of the pooled within-conditions variance for just the two groups being compared 3. Calculate d as an extension of g Where the standardizer is the square root of MS W based on all groups Generally recommended
Standardized contrasts Calculate from a t contrast for a paper not reporting effect size like they should Recall the weights should sum to 2
CIs Once the d is calculated one can easily obtain exact confidence intervals via the MBESS package in R or Steiger’s standalone program The latter will provide the interval for the noncentrality parameter which must then be converted to d
Cohen’s f Cohen’s f provides what can interpreted as the average standardized mean difference across the groups in question It has a direct relation to a measure of association As with Cohen’s d, there are guidelines regarding Cohen’s f .10,.25,.40 for small, moderate and large effect sizes These correspond to eta-square values of:.01,.06,.14 Again though, one should conduct the relevant literature for effect size estimation
Measures of Association A measure of association describes the amount of the covariation between the independent and dependent variables It is expressed in an unsquared metric or a squared metric—the former is usually a correlation, the latter a variance-accounted-for effect size A squared multiple correlation (R 2 ) calculated in ANOVA is called the correlation ratio or estimated eta-squared ( 2 )
Eta-squared A measure of the degree to which variability among observations can be attributed to conditions Example: 2 =.50 50% of the variability seen in the scores is due to the independent variable.
More than One factor It is a fairly common practice to calculate eta 2 (correlation ratio) for the omnibus effect but to calculate the partial correlation ratio for each contrast As we have noted before SPSS calls everything partial eta-squared in it’s output, but for a one-way design you’d report it as eta-squared
Problem Eta-squared (since it is R-squared) is an upwardly biased measure of association (just like R-squared was) As such it is better used descriptively than inferentially
Omega-squared Another effect size measure that is less biased and interpreted in the same way as eta-squared So why do we not see omega-squared so much? People don’t like small values Stat packages don’t provide it by default
Omega-squared Put differently
Omega-squared Assumes a balanced design eta 2 does not assume a balanced design Though the omega values are generally lower than those of the corresponding correlation ratios for the same data, their values converge as the sample size increases Note that the values can be negative—if so, interpret as though the value were zero
Comparing effect size measures Consider our previous example with item difficulty and arousal regarding performance
Comparing effect size measures 22 ω2ω2 Partial 2 f B/t groups Difficulty Arousal Interactio n Slight differences due to rounding, f based on eta-squared
No p-values As before, programs are available to calculate confidence intervals for an effect size measure Example using the MBESS package for the overall effect 95% CI on ω 2 : .20 to.69
No p-values Ask yourself as we have before, if the null hypothesis is true, what would our effect size be (standardized mean difference or proportion of variance accounted for)? 0 Rather than do traditional hypothesis testing, one can simply see if our CI for the effect size contains the value of zero (or, in eta-squared case, gets really close) If not, reject H 0 This is superior in that we can use the NHST approach, get a confidence interval reflecting the precision of our estimates, focus on effect size, and de-emphasize the p-value