Molecular biology
讲 授:李有志 研究员 授课对象:生物技术专业本科 年 级: 2007 级 课 时 数: 54 教学方式:多媒体双语教学
How to study the course How to study the course “Molecular Biology” “Molecular Biology” “Molecular Biology” is a baseline for further study of the courses related to biotechnology and bioengineering, and therefore important to chosen speciality. To study this course very well, I think that you should have the strong abilities as follows: 1)English 2)Interest 3)Logic 4)Initiative 5)Frequently ponder 6)General knowledge of biology
Study on the course is to lay sold foundations for understanding and investigation of molecular mechanisms for cellular actions. For instance, the secretary apparatus of bacteria
Contents Section A - Cells and macromolecules Section B - Protein structure Section C - Properties of nucleic acids. Section D - Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosome structure Section E - DNA Replication an overview Section F - DNA Damage, repair and recombination Section G - Gene manipulation Section H - Cloning vectors Section I - Gene libraries and screening
Contents Section J - Analysis and uses of cloned DNA Section K - Transcription in prokaryotes Section L - Regulation of transcription in prokaryotes Section M - Transcription in eukaryotes Section N - Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes Section O - RNA processing and RNPs Section P - The genetic code and tRNA Section Q - Protein synthesis Section R - Bacteriophages and eukaryotic viruses a Section S - Tumor viruses and oncogenes Section T- Technniques in Molecular Biology
Textbook Turner P., Mclennan, A.G., Bates A. D. & White M. R. H. (2005) Instant Notes in Molecular Biology (Third edition), Taylor & Francis Group.
扩充性参考书 1 、 Karp R. ( 2002 ) Cell and Molecular Biology ( Third edition ), John Willey & Sons, Inc 。 2 、 Lewin B. ( 2004 ) GeneVIII. Person Education, Inc. 3 、朱玉贤,李毅 主编( 2002 )现代分子生物学(第二版), 高等教育出版社。 4 、翟礼嘉,顾红雅 译 ( 2003 )基因操作原理. 第六版,高 等教育出版社。(国外优秀生命科学教材译丛)。 5 、李伊达,孙之荣 等译 ( 1999 )生物信息学 - 基因和蛋白 分析的实用指南。清华大学出版社。 6 、赵亚华 ( 2006 )分子生物学教程 -( 第二版 ) 。 科学出版 社。