Overview danger 1. The danger of spiritual gifts need 2. The need for spiritual gifts types 3. The types of spiritual gifts
1. The Danger What do you do? You are the leader of a family of churches. You hear that one of your churches is abusing the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their meetings. What do you do? Many feel condemned and confused by the chaos. During the sermon, people have emotional outbursts. Self-appointed prophets are confusing people. All pray in tongues at the same time.
1. The Danger abuse. By their very nature, spiritual gifts lend themselves to abuse. This produces different responses among Christians. Misuse:zealous 1) Misuse: too zealous Disuse:cautious 2) Disuse: too cautious
1. The Danger zealous cautious We can err by being overly zealous or by being overly cautious about spiritual gifts!Reflection Which side do you tend towards: zeal or caution? Which side does your church tend towards: zeal or caution?
2. The Need YOU If spiritual gifts are dangerous, why do YOU need to use them? effective church 1) Using your spiritual gifts is God’s ordained means of building an effective church
2. The Need Misuse Disuse Use!Use!
2. The Need YOU If spiritual gifts are dangerous, why do YOU need to use them? effective church 1) Using your spiritual gifts is God’s ordained means of building an effective church eternal consequences 2) Failing to use your spiritual gifts will have eternal consequences
3. The Types Eph 4 Ministries Rom 12 Motivations 1 Cor 12 Manifestations