Spiritually Gifted
Job #1 for today’s pastor is to give his/her life away for a flock. Spiritually Gifted
The solo pastor model may work against the health and vitality of the church. Spiritually Gifted
Jethro (Exodus 18) suggested a new job description: 1.Pray 2. Teach 3. Live godly 4. Recruit leaders 5. Train leaders 6. Handle crises Spiritually Gifted
1. Engage the pain of releasing ministry to others. Spiritually Gifted
2. Envision the church as it was meant to be. Spiritually Gifted
3. Educate the church about spiritual giftedness. Spiritually Gifted
Spiritual gifts are different than natural talents. They come from heaven, not from your genes. Spiritually Gifted
The Holy Spirit is a member of the Trinity. Spiritually Gifted
God is the Great Gift Giver. Spiritually Gifted
His gifts are given, to be given. Spiritually Gifted
God wants you to go after his gifts. Spiritually Gifted
God chooses your unique contributions. No copying, comparing or condemning! Spiritually Gifted
The gifts are given to the body of Christ, for the body of Christ. Spiritually Gifted
Spiritual gifts are not the same as spiritual fruit. Caution! Spiritually Gifted
Romans 12:6-8 Prophecy, Serving, Teaching, Encouraging, Contributing, Leadership, Mercy Spiritually Gifted
Ephesians 4:11 Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher (APEPT) Spiritually Gifted
1 Corinthians 12:28 Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Miracles, Kinds of Healings, Helps, Administration, Tongues Spiritually Gifted
1 Corinthians 12:8-10 Word of wisdom, Word of knowledge, Faith, Gifts of healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Distinguishing between Spirits, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues Spiritually Gifted
1 Peter 4:11 Whoever Speaks (several gifts) Whoever Renders Service (several gifts) Spiritually Gifted
Prophecy: divine enablement to proclaim God’s truth to bring about comfort, exhortation and warning. Spiritually Gifted
Service: divine ability to serve others in concrete ways such as feeding widows. Spiritually Gifted
Teaching: divine enablement to understand and give detailed explanation of biblical truths. Spiritually Gifted
Exhortation: divine ability to stir up the faith of others through encouraging and challenging them. Spiritually Gifted
Giving: divine enablement to earn money, manage it wisely and give to the work of the Lord. Spiritually Gifted
Leadership: divine ability to see what needs to be done, set goals, give vision and organize people. Spiritually Gifted
Mercy: divine enablement to minister cheerfully to people who are suffering. Spiritually Gifted
4. Enlarge the participation pool. Spiritually Gifted
Qualities to Look For In Emerging Leaders a. Influence b. Character c. Relational skill d. Passion Spiritually Gifted
Recognizing Spiritual Gifts Consider a growing passion or ability. Spiritually Gifted
Recognizing Spiritual Gifts Consider a new ability. Spiritually Gifted
Recognizing Spiritual Gifts Consider encouragement from mature believers. Spiritually Gifted
Recognizing Spiritual Gifts Consider a spiritual gifts test. Spiritually Gifted
5. Expand ministry options. Spiritually Gifted