Collect exercises Review 10 minutes small group Memory matching synonyms and antonyms Lesson 2 quiz Lesson 2 quiz HW: Word Frames lesson 3
Introduce lesson 3 Exercises: (order) work alone, discuss essay Group 3 prepare presentation Spelling words:10 Breath-Compliment Word cartoons Word cartoons HW: word cartoons and word frames
I love to run. There are many days as I leave either school or my home, that I (breathe/ breath) more easily being away from the world. With each (breath/breathe) I exhale, I feel more relaxed and in-tune with my body. It doesn’t matter the (course/coarse) I follow, as long as I have the opportunity to get outside. There have been running races I have entered next to the (capitol/capital) building downtown in Denver. The (course/coarse) roads of downtown Denver force many runners to pay attention to each step. The roads can be (compared/contrasted) to the roads in Phoenix through their similarly rugged terrain. Interestingly enough, the different trails in Portland (compare/contrast) to the roads in Denver since their Department of Transportation spends more money on the up-keep. To (complement/compliment) my run, I take time to stretch out after I return home. Next time you see a runner, make sure to pass along a (complement/compliment) to him/her, giving praise to his/her hard work.