Budget Discussion & Voting on the Revenue and Expenditure Budget April 13, 2015
Base Budget from Schedule A $98,528,441
Schedule B: Proposed Staffing Changes Item #:PositionCost/(Savings) B1General Education Teaching Assistants: 2.0 FTE at SHS to support Teacher Assistant Support Class and reduce permanent subs at HS from 4.0 FTE to 2.0 FTE $29,347 B2Special Education Teaching Assistant: 1.0 FTE reduction due to retirement ($33,081) B3Music: Addition of.2 FTE for section of Choral at SHS due to enrollment $14,723 B4Physical/Health Ed Supervisor: Promotion of teacher on special assignment to administrator $24,879 B5Southgate: Reduction of one section of third grade due to enrollment ($73,613) B6Art: Reduction of 1.0 FTE due to retirement at SHS ($73,613)
Schedule B: Proposed Staffing Changes Item #:PositionCost/(Savings) B7Art: Reduction of 0.2 FTE at SJHS. Elimination of one section of Accelerated Studio Art due to enrollment ($14,723) B8Reduction of 2.0 FTE Elementary Instructional Coaches ($147,226) B9Reassignment of SJHS/SHS administrators due to SJHS Hall Principal retirement ($20,505) B10Additional instructional staff reductions due to retirements/resignations/reassignments ($66,284) B11Due to retirement, promotion of Special Education Supervisor to Assistant Director of PPS and then elimination of Special Education Supervisor Position ($148,251) B12Senior teacher resigning and will be replaced by lower step person (notice after original draft budget) ($63,032)
Schedule B: Proposed Staffing Changes Item #:PositionCost/(Savings) B13Elimination of IT Director position due to retirement and restructuring of department ($174,354) B14Senior Maintenance Mechanic retirement with replacement by entry level person (notice after original draft budget) ($27,555) Total Schedule B($773,288)
Schedule C: Equipment Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) C1Equipment purchases for $1,311,550
Schedule C-1: Leasing of IT Equipment/Supplies Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) C2Finance approximately $860,000 of IT equipment/supplies with 3 year lease ($97,086)
Schedule D: Maintenance Projects Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) D1Maintenance projects, excluding related equipment $178,500
Schedule E: Interfund Transfers Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) E1For Capital Projects ($3,000,000) and Summer 2015 Handicapped Program ($150,000) $3,150,000
Schedule F: New Programs and Initiatives Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) F1Provide a full day kindergarten program for all children entering in Fall 2015 a.Add 5.0 FTE elementary teachers$368,065 b.Classroom furnishings for 5 additional kindergarten classrooms. Estimated at $10,000 per classroom. $50,000 c.Classroom supplies for 5 additional kindergarten classrooms. Estimated at $5,000 per classroom. $25,000 d.Add 1.50 FTE special education teachers at three elementary kindergarten so ½ day instruction will include co-teaching model (2 teachers in classroom) $110,419
Schedule F: New Programs and Initiatives Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) e.Reduce.50 FTE reading teacher at BH,.50 FTE LRA teacher at SG and.50 FTE LRA teacher at FF due to program needs ($110,419) f.Add.10 FTE PE teacher for Full Day K$7,361 g.Add 2.0 FTE bus drivers for Full Day K$64,660 h.Add 1.0 FTE Art teacher for Full Day K program and supplies $73,613 i.Reduce 22 eight hour bus drivers to six hour bus drivers ($153,293) j.Eliminate mid-day kindergarten runs and thus fuel savings ($25,000) Subtotal Full Day Kindergarten$410,406
Schedule F: New Programs and Initiatives Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) F2Expand English as a New Language (ENL) program per new mandates a.Add 1.0 FTE ENL teacher and translators for summer registration$78,613 b.Add funding to reimburse current staff who successfully complete Superintendent approved ENL college course(s) $25,000 Subtotal ENL Program Expansion$103,613
Schedule F: New Programs and Initiatives Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) F3Purchase AP English Language and Composition textbooks (from pool of textbook money) and supplies $2,000 F4Purchase Understanding Human Rights in the 21 st Century textbooks (from pool of textbook money) - F5Remodel SHS Art Department Course Offerings - F6Eliminate G Level Math Classes and add Fundamental Math 7. Add.40 FTE for Math 7E and Algebra and add.20 FTE for special education math. $44,168 Total Schedule F$560,187
Schedule G: Other Item #:DescriptionCost/(Savings) G1Fund a portion of the summer curriculum development with Title II-A and Title III federal grant funds ($50,000) G2Eliminate Test Wiz Service from BOCES($46,000) G3Reduce elementary science supplies due to revised estimated cost ($20,000) G4Fund a portion of Instructional Coaches from Title II-A grant ($38,613) G5Reduce utilities due to new contract rates through NYSMEC ($35,000) Total Schedule G($189,613)
Summary of Appropriations Budget DescriptionCost/(Savings) Total Expenditure Budget Recommended by Superintendent *Increase of $1,344,691 from (1.33% increase) $102,668,691
Funding From: Revenue Other Than Taxes DescriptionAmount Building Aid$3,082,373 Annexation Aid$1,999,611 All Other State Aid$13,784,140 Tuition and Special Education Reimbursements $1,930,000 Interest$45,000 Transfer from Food Service Fund$0 Other, including PILOT$1,713,000 Full Day Kindergarten Aid (if program is approved) $611,210 Subtotal - Revenues Other Than Taxes$23,165,334
Funding From: Use of Fund Balance DescriptionAmountAdditional Information Unassigned, appropriated fund balance $685,772 Reserve for ERS$200,000($2,650,000 appropriations in budget for ERS) Reserve for Compensated Absences $50,000($175,000 appropriations in budget for compensated absences) Subtotal – Use of Fund Balance $935,772
Funding From: Taxes DescriptionAmount At Tax Cap of 2.981%$78,567,585 Total Revenues and Use of Fund Balance$102,668,691
What’s next? Budget committee meeting schedule: March 2: Preliminary Budget Overview March 5: Maintenance & Interfund Transfers March 9: Debt service, Enrollment March 16: Equipment, Technology March 19: New programs and initiatives, including Full Day Kindergarten and ENL, Summer Curriculum April 1: Staffing Changes, Contingency Budget, Revenue (including updated tax cap levy), Use of Fund Balance April 13: Further discussion and voting by Board of Education April 21: Board of Education meeting, adoption of budget May 6: Public forum on budget May 19: Budget vote district-wide 19