Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
Write these words and the number of syllables in each holidaytradition EasterANZAC celebrateveteran thankfulservice Christianitycommemorate religiontransportation believingreturned prayersmemorial ritualremembrance customaryshrine
Write each of your spelling words Now rewrite each word with letters in alphabetical order eg volcano aclnoov Write a “What am I?” for 5 of your spelling words Each “What am I?” needs 3 clues
Use puzzlemaker to create a word search using your spelling words Print your word search and find your words Write synonyms (words with similar meanings) for 5 of your spelling words Write antonyms (words with opposite meaning) for last, before, awake, throw, kept, coming, laughs, never
Use your words to create a word ladder each word needs to connect to some part of other words on the ladder Word building Select 8 words from your list to add prefixes or suffixes to, to build as many new words you can from the base word
Coonawarra Farm Resort Using the letters in the camp name create as many words as you can. Each letter can only be used once in each word Sound patterns Write 5 words that have “oo”, “ar”, “or” Now select sound patterns from 5 of your list words and write 5 words that have the same sound patterns
Dictionary activity Use your dictionary to find the meaning for 7 of your list words Use each of your spelling words in a connected paragraph that makes sense to the reader. Underline each list word.
Write 10 of your words in separate sentences that explain their meaning. As you write your list word do not spell it correctly, instead write the letters of your spelling words in alphabetical order Spoonerisms Select 5 nouns from your spelling list Write an adjective for each Then turn it into a spoonerism by swapping the starting letters of each word eg a shiny star becomes a stiny shar
What am I? Select 5 spelling words and write sound clues for each eg constellation I have a double letter I have 5 vowels I have a sound pattern that makes a shun sound I have 13 letters I begin with c and end with n Crossword puzzle Use puzzle maker to create a crossword puzzle using your spelling words Each word must be written with a clue Sound/ meaning or missing word in a sentence
Create a mnemonic for 2 spelling words from this term ( a mnemonic is a trick to help you remember how to spell a word) Use as many unit words in a paragraph as you possible can