WELCOME 3 rd GRADE CLASS to Mrs. Franco and Mrs. Taylor’s 3 rd GRADE CLASS
* Mrs. Franco- Math and Science * Teaching for eight years * Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction * ESOL Endorsed * Mrs. Taylor- Reading, Language Arts & Social Studies * Teaching for fifteen years * Master’s Degree in Reading Education * ESOL Endorsed
* Must complete a total of 30 volunteer hours * An additional 15 hours per child * Must be cleared by the county and school (finger printing and ID# must be given) in order to attend field trips & school activities. * Items from Wish List * All donations must be turned in with a receipt (gift cards welcome!) (1 hour will be given for every $3.33 spent.)
* Students must be in class, seated and working on their warm up by 8:00 am. * Students must bring their book bags, materials, agenda, and homework to school everyday. * Students cannot bring toys, trading cards, hats, I-pods, electronic games, etc. to school. * If your child is absent, send an ANF with him/her stating the reason for the absence and the date(s) they were absent. Absences will not be excused without the Absence Notification Form. If absences are NOT excused within 72 hours the child will still be given the work to make up but will not receive a grade for missed work. * (The ANF can be found in the front office and on the school website
* Each student manages his/her own behavior. * Each time a rule is broken, the student must move his/her card to the next color pocket chart that follows (green, yellow then red). Each color has a different consequence. * Students with incomplete or missing homework will be changed to yellow. Consequences/Warnings: 1. First-Verbal warning 2. Second -change to yellow, note home to parents. 3. Third- color change to red, Detention Please check agenda on a daily basis, every time a student changes his/her card you will be notified as to what occurred in the students agenda. Positive notes will also be added to the agenda
* Each time a rule is broken, the student must move his/her pin to the next color that follows (green, yellow then red). Each color has a different consequence, and their CLASSDOJO points will be taken away. * Students with incomplete or missing homework will be changed to yellow, and you will be notified through the class-dojo app and through the agenda. Consequences/Warnings: 1. First-Verbal warning 2. Second -change to yellow, note home to parents. 3. Third- color change to red, Detention Please check agenda on a daily basis, every time a student changes his/her card you will be notified as to what occurred in the students agenda. Positive notes will also be added to the agenda
Context Clues Affixes (prefixes, suffixes & base words) Synonyms, Antonyms Multiple Meaning Words Author’s Purpose/Author’s Viewpoint Sequence of Events, Drawling Conclusions, Main Idea, Making Inferences, Noting Details Cause & Effect Text Structures (How is the story organized?) Compare & Contrast Theme Story Structure (characters, setting, plot) Figurative Language (similes, metaphors, idioms, etc) Text Features in Informational Test (bold words, captions, headings, etc)
Math Word Problems Number Sense Multiplication Division Fractions Measurement Geometry Algebra Data Analysis Time
* All Somerset students will be using I-ready for both reading and math. Students may access the program from home and from school. More information will be forthcoming on the requirements for student usage and expectations.
Percentages * = A * = B * = C * = D * 59 and below = F * Spelling, vocabulary, reading comprehension (Skills Tests), and grammar tests are administered biweekly * Math, Science, and Social Studies test days vary. * Reviews are done in class prior to the test. Grade Weights * Tests: 60% * Class work: 30 % * Participation, Technology & Projects 10%
* Students are responsible for copying their homework daily onto their agenda. * Home-learning is checked daily. * Home-learning must be completed entirely, neatly, and in pencil in your child’s own handwriting in order to receive full credit. * Home-learning MUST be done completely (meaning nothing must be left blank). They are ALWAYS encouraged to TRY their BEST! * Students must always attempt to get an answer or the assignment is incomplete. Homework is NOT checked for accuracy or perfection * Four missed or incomplete homework assignments will result in a detention (3 detentions for missed homework results in loss of privileges such as field trips). Each nine weeks, they start “fresh”. * Special projects will be assigned periodically throughout the year, specifically in Science and Social Studies. * Students are given 15 minutes to copy homework in agenda. They can always access homework on our webpages if they run out time.
* Students are encouraged to come early the day after an absence (beginning at 7:00) to make up any missed work. This gives us ample time to reteach anything they missed and gives them a more one-on-one instruction on what they missed. * Students may be pulled from special area classes to complete core curriculum make up work if need be and with permission from special area teacher. * As per school policy, If the student’s absence is UNEXCUSED, the student will receive a zero (0%) on any missed assignments.
* Please notify us ASAP through your child's agenda or if your child’s dismissal procedure changes. * Parent Pick-Up will be on the 232 nd Street Driveway, please have your Teacher Tag when picking up through the driveway. * Wednesday Dismissal: We will not discuss specific information regarding students grades and behavior as per confidentiality rules and laws in effect. Please feel free to or request a conference.
* All payments will be made online via the school store. * Directions to log on are as follows: * Go to * Click on Elementary, and then School Store * Jean Day: Don’t forget each jean day students are required to bring in $1.00
* We now have NEW stallion shirts * Please order your new shirt via the school store and pick up in the activities office of the main building. * Stallion shirts are mandatory for field trips * They can also be worn on Fridays with jeans
Mrs. Franco- Mrs. Taylor- VISIT OUR WEBSITES!!!! * We will post important announcements/information, special area schedules, wish lists, calendar, Curriculum, HOMEWORK, and much more. * Directions to log on are as follows: * Go to * Click on Elementary, About Us, Staff Directory and then the teacher’s name Our Teacher Web will be updated weekly.
Thank you for choosing Somerset Academy Silver Palms to meet the needs of your child. Don’t forget to sign in