DP Year 1 Review
Creation of Israel 1948 WarNasser Foreign Policy Nasserism at Home
A100 In what year was the State of Israel declared a country? Bonus: full date May 14, 1948
B100 Who won the 1948 War? Israel
C100 What is the name of the Domestic Policy document Nasser introduced in 1962? National Charter
D100 What did Nasser nationalize in 1956? Suez Canal
A200 What group formed (by the UN) to deal with the situation in Palestine after WWII? Bonus: How did the Arabs react to this group? UNSCOP: UN Special Committee on Palestine Arabs rejected them completely, refused to meet.
B200 What happened with the West Bank after the 1948 War? It was assigned to Jordan
C200 What did Nasser do to Egypt’s minimum wage? Raised it in general, ensured it for farm workers
D200 What small Middle Eastern country did Nasser spend a lot of military funding to try and defeat, but never with any success? (Hint: it’s comparable to the US in Vietnam) Yemen
A300 Jewish State, Arab State, Jerusalem In the 1947 UNSCOP Partition Plan, what were the 3 proposed areas for Palestine?
B300 What is a reason Israel won the 1948 war? Well supplied, fighting to keep independence
C300 What was the name of Nasser’s political party? Arab Socialist Union
D300 Nasser formed the United Arab Republic from with which other country? Syria
A400 Which was the first country to recognize the state of Israel as officially independent? Bonus: Which was second? United States… and Soviet Union
B400 What is one reason the Arabs lost the 1948 War? Lack of unity
C400 More students in primary school, more women in school, rise in literacy, universities were free & graduates were guaranteed jobs Name a change Nasser made in education.
D400 What land did Egypt lose in the 1967/Six Day War? Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula
A500 Who was the first Prime Minister of Israel? David Ben Gurion
B500 Fascism; Hitler, Mussolini, Franco Which political party seeks to emphasize nationalism and promote the superiority of their nation over others? Bonus: Name two authoritarian leaders who followed this ideology.
C500 Politically speaking, was Nasser left or right? He was a Lefty
D500 Which political ideology seeks to unite workers and ultimately overthrow governmental control of industry? communism