Truman and the Cold War p. 60
Civil War In China Chang Kai-shek: U.S. backed leader, nationalist party Mao Zedong communist, gains support b/c Kai-shek is corrupt Communists win China despite US aid Nationalist go to Taiwan U.S. doesn’t recognize China, US is stunned that containment didn’t work Which side did the United States support, and why? What did the United States do to affect the outcome of the war? What was the outcome of the war? How did the American public react to that outcome, why?
Korean War -Korea split along 38 th parallel, North surrenders to Soviets -Northern Communists invade the south, War starts as a UN “police action” to repel the communist aggression -U.S. enters to save South Korea Gen. Douglas MacArthur, 90% of troops American Inchon Invasion saves South Korea over ½ of the troops surrender -MacArthur launches counter and pushes into N. Korea
Korean War -China enters war on side of North Korea b/c they support communism -War stalemates neither side can advance MacArthur wants to attack China, disagrees with Truman who wants limited war -MacArthur criticizes the President -Truman fires MacArthur -War drags on for two more years -War finally ends in 1953 near the 38 th parallel where it started, neither side wins, Soviets suggest ceasefire
War in Korea Which side did the United States support, and why? What did the United States do to affect the outcome of the war? What was the outcome of the war? How did the American public react to that outcome, why?
Fear of Communists -Communist spies discovered -USSR gets atomic bomb loyalty boards- review and dismiss those not loyal to US -Bill of Rights questioned -House Un-American Activities Committee: investigate communist activity Hollywood Ten: suspected communists, refused to testify b/c said unconstitutional -”blacklisting” ruined careers, unable to find work
Fear of Communists - Alger Hiss -state dept. official accused of spying, tried and jailed -Rosenbergs -accused of passing atomic secrets to Soviet Union -found guilty and executed “worse than murder” -Joseph McCarthy Senator “Witch Hunt”: attacks on suspected communists “McCarthism”-attacks on suspected communists with little to no evidence Senate investigations 1954 Army Hearings—led to McCarthy’s fall from power
Cold War at Home
Readjustment -millions of troops demobilized, 10 million are released in G.I. Bill still available today education-$ towards tuition low cost loans -Suburbia— people move outside of cities made possible by car Levittowns massed produced housing -affluent society for white middle class great demand for goods Times are prosperous after war, economy is booming!
Truman -”The Buck Stops Here”— restore economy and stop communism -postwar economy was first major domestic problem— prevent a 2 nd depression -threat of gov’t control of industry in order to prevent strikes--- union power curbed doesn’t want strikes to hurt economy -Taft-Hartley Act: overturns many labor rights won by New Deal
Civil Rights Equality for all human beings! -Truman takes a firm stand on civil rights, 1 st to do so Truman integrated the military-- military is no longer segregated -asked Congress for civil rights legislation -Congress refused to pass any new laws and Truman angered party members who supported segregation
1948 Election -Truman – Dem. -Thomas Dewey –Repub. -Dixiecrats S. Democrats emerged b/c of Truman’s support of civil rights Strom Thurmond -Truman was the underdog, launches intense “Give them Hell Harry” campaign -called Congress into session and used inaction against them saying they did nothing -Truman wins in major upset
Fair Deal -Truman proposed an extension of the New Deal -Congress supported some and ignored others -health insurance (no) -crop subsidies (no) -extension of social security (yes) -low income housing (yes) -aid to schools (no) Minimum wage raised! Why so many no’s? Dixiecrats and Republicans join together in Congress.
Truman’s Legacy Foreign Policy ”The buck stops here” not passing responsibility on to somebody else Ended WW II Atomic Bomb decision Marshall Plan rebuild war- torn Europe Truman Doctrine provide aid to countries to contain communism Korean War: unsuccessful, fired MacArthur Policy of Containment Domestic Legacy Social Policies -begins desegregation policies Economic and Political Policy -tried to extend New Deal -many of his domestic policies would become reality in the 1960’s Doesn’t run for re-elect because by 1951 his approval was only 23%
Activity Create an Honorary Flyer for Harry S. Truman. Be sure to hi-light the major events and successes of Truman’s time as President. Be colorful and creative! Complete the matching activity for homework. Turn in TOGETHER: chart worksheet completed during notes, flyer, and matching activity!